Book Details

Encyclopedia of School Psychology

Encyclopedia of School Psychology

The time is right for such a volume. Education is on the forefront of our national thinking, with newspaper headlines covering topics ranging from violence in our schools (e.g., Columbine High School shootings) to identifying schools not making adequate yearly progress under the No Child Left Behind legislation. The public seeks to understand the effectiveness of school alternatives such as homeschooling or charter schools. On a more basic level, parents want to know how their children will fare in school. Will their children make friends? Will they be safe? Will they succeed academically? The goal of this volume is to provide information to attempt to answer these very personal questions while at the same time addressing broad-brush issues in psychology as it intersects with education. Finally, the ESP is designed to give the reader a glimpse into the world of a school psychologist and the level of knowledge and skills necessary to negotiate the world of the child and adolescent in schools.

Author: Steven W. Lee

Pages: 683

Issue By: Book Choice

Published: 2 years ago

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