- (minus sign), 197, 290
- special character, 324
! (exclamation point), 332–333
!=, <> comparison operator, 321
!== comparison operator, 321
# (pound sign), 131, 173
$ (dollar sign), 282, 283, 324, 405
$() construct, 225, 227
$_SESSION arrays, 438
$fh variable, 384
$result variable, 519
$(this) selector, 231
$this variable, accessing properties
with, 404–405
% (modulus) sign, 290
  entity, 100–101
entity, 100–101
( ) special character, 324
( | | ) special character, 324
* (asterisk), 197, 290, 324
. (periods), 132, 294, 324
.htaccess file, setting PHP options
in, 636
/ (forward slash), 197, 290, 327
:hover pseudoclass, 251
? special character, 324
@ symbol, 301, 315
[ ] (square brackets), 296, 324
\ (backslash), 292, 324, 327
\n PHP character, 280–281, 293
\t PHP character, 293
^ special character, 324
__ (two underscores), 407
{ , } special character, 324
{} (curly braces), 208, 276–277, 278,
284, 285
+ (plus sign), 196, 289, 290, 324
< comparison operator, 321
<= comparison operator, 321
= (equal sign), 194, 282
== (equal operator), 421–422
== comparison operator, 321
=== (identical operator), 421–422
=== comparison operator, 321
> comparison operator, 321
>= comparison operator, 321
’ (single quote), 292
“ “ (double quotes), 285
‘ ‘ (single quotes), 285
a date format symbol, 309
A date format symbol, 309
a mode, 384
a+ mode, 384
<a> tag, 94, 108–109, 111–112
About page, building, 650–651
absolute versus relative links, 111
abstract classes, 415–417
abstract methods, 415–418
access denied error message, 69
access to databases, controlling,
accessing text files, with PHP,
accounts, MySQL
adding, 465
administrator responsibilities
regarding, 458
attributes of, 459
names of, 460–461
overview, 455, 462, 464
passwords, 461, 465–466
privileges, 461–462, 466–467
removing, 467–468
viewing information about, 464
action attribute, 172–173
add_numbers function, 350–351
addBorder class, 143
addClass() function, 239
addNumbers function, 205–207656
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
AddType statements, 47–48, 49
administration of MySQL
accounts, setting up, 462, 464–468
administrator responsibilities,
backing up databases, 468–471
controlling access to data,
default root account, 458
overview, 457
restoring data, 471–473
upgrading MySQL, 473
alert() function, 204, 262
alerts, 191–193, 262
aligning web form fields with CSS,
ALL privilege, 462
all-in-one installation kits
for Apache, 24
for MySQL, 59
for PHP, 38–39
XAMPP installation kit
Control Panel, using, 78–79
installing, 76–78
obtaining, 75–76
overview, 24, 38, 59, 75
reinstalling, 84–85
testing, 79–82
troubleshooting, 85
uninstalling, 84–85
alt attribute, 114
ALTER privilege, 462
ALTER statement, 494–495, 514
Amazon, 541
anchor tag, 94, 108–109, 111–112
and, in comparisons, 327–329
anonymous function, 225
antivirus utilities, 434
advantages of, 14
checking version of, 42
configuring, 32–33, 83–84
configuring for PHP, 47–48, 49
getting information on, 31
installing on local computers,
installing PHP on Linux or
Unix with, 41
obtaining, 22–24
overview, 8, 21, 273
PHP compatability with, 273
running as service, 85
securing, 426–427
starting and stopping, 28–30
testing web servers, 21–22
verifying downloaded files, 24–25
version of, checking, 41
XAMPP Control Panel, starting and
stopping with, 78–79
Apache option, configure command,
Apache VirtualHost container, 636
Apache website, obtaining Apache
from, 23
apachectl script, 29
append() function, 228–229
apxs utility, 40, 42, 43, 44
arguments, adding to functions, 204
arithmetic operations on numeric data
types, 289
arithmetic operators, 290–291
array_key_exists() function, 538
$_SESSION, 438
creating, 296–297
getting values from, 301–302
holding multiple values in, 195
for loops, 202–203
multidimensional, 305–306
overview, 288, 296
reading files into, 388–389
removing values from, 299
sorting, 299–301
viewing, 298–299
walking through values in, 302–305
arsort function, 301
ASCII code, 321, 380
asort function, 300, 301
strings to variables, 292
timestamps to PHP variables,
values to PHP variables, 282–283Index
asterisk (*), 197, 290, 324
attacks, handling, 429–432, 433
attr() function, 233, 234, 236, 238
action, 172–173
alt, 114
database, 478–479
href, 108
HTML, 108
id, 177, 182
maxsize, 173
method, 172
name, 112, 177, 178
in OOP, 399
selected, 175, 176
setting, 232–237
size, 173
src, 113, 190, 234
target, 112
value, 173–174
authenticate function, 610, 611
authenticated pages, adding,
auto_prepend_file function,
background colors, changing,
background images, 113, 150–154
background-color CSS
property, 147
background-image CSS property,
background-position CSS
property, 153
backing up
databases, 458, 468–471
by web-hosting companies, 17
backslash (\), 292, 327
backticks, 372, 373–374
ball objects, creating, 208
basename function, 367
basic selectors, jQuery, 226
beginning statements, in for
loops, 337
BIGINT data type, 483
binary files, 23, 37, 58, 380
bindir=DIR option, PHP, 45
blank account names, 460
blank fields, checking for on web
forms, 246–247
blank hostnames, 461
blank web pages, troubleshooting, 53
block-level elements, 98, 160
blocks, 276–278
body section, HTML documents, 94
<body> element, 130
Boolean data type, 288, 295–296
borderClass class, 238–239
adding to HTML tables, 107–108
CSS, 140–144
bottom of page, in templates, 646
<br> tag, 94, 99–100
break statements, 334, 335, 344–346
breaking out of loops, 344–346
browser cookies
checking if enabled, 438–440
overview, 438
browser detection, 214–216
defined, 7
detecting with JavaScript, 214–216
fonts, choosing web-friendly,
general discussion, 8
JavaScript support, 188, 220
on mobile devices, 10
redirecting to other pages, 216–217
testing CSS across multiple,
brute force attack, 461
built-in PHP functions, 356, 637–638
bullet styles, 145–146658
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
C syntax, 277
calling functions, 204–205
Can’t connect to . . . error message, 70
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
advantages of, 122
background colors, changing,
background images, adding, 150–154
borders, 140–144
classes, 131–134
comments, 132
external style sheets, 128–129
font color, setting, 138–140
font family, setting, 134–136
font size, setting, 136–138
footers, 163–167
on forms, reviewing, 561–562
general discussion, 11, 121–122
headers, 163–167
hiding elements, 161
inline, 122–126
internal style sheets, 126–128
jQuery, changing with, 237–240
limitations of, 122–123
list styles, 144–147
matching cases with HTML, 131
overview, 121
for registration pages, 597–598
single-column layout, creating,
targeting styles
background colors, changing,
groups of elements, 131–134
individual elements, 130–131
overview, 128–129
selecting HTML elements, 130
two-column layout, creating,
web form fields, aligning with,
case sensitivity
with JavaScript, 194
jQuery, 226
matching CSS with HTML, 131
PHP statements, 276
PHP variables, 282
SQL, 451–452
cast, 288
catch block, 420
CDN-hosted jQuery, 220, 222–223
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 427
chaining, 230
changeImage() function, 237
CHAR data type, 483
character data, storing, 481–482
character encoding, 119
character input in text boxes
counting characters in, 254–257
preventing, 257–259
character strings
assigning to variables, 292
double-quoted, 292–294
joining, 294
overview, 288, 292
single-quoted, 292–294
SQL queries, 452
storing long, 295
check boxes, 170, 176–177, 579–580
child classes, 400, 415–417
circle list style, 144
class methods, building, 628–632
class statements, 402, 403
class_exists function, 422
$this variable, accessing properties
with, 404–405
abstract, 415–417
benefits of, 534–535
class statements, writing, 403
constructor, writing, 409–410
CSS, 131–134
disabling, 637–638
getting information about, 422–423
methods, adding, 405–407Index
overview, 398–399, 402
preventing changes to, 418
private properties and methods,
properties, setting, 403–404
public properties and methods,
simplifying, 410–413
template, creating, 642–643
User, building, 607–610
using in scripts, 413–415
clear CSS property, 157
clearing web forms, 180
CLI (command line interface), 453
click event handlers, 247–251
click() function, 250
client does not support
authentication protocol
error message, 69–70
client software, 453
client-server model, 7
client-side validation, 555, 556
__clone method, 420–421
closing tags, 91
closing text files, 386
of background, changing, 147–150
of font, setting with CSS, 138–140
hex codes for, 137–138
columns_priv table, 463
comma-delimited files
adding data to databases, 500
creating, 391
overview, 389–391
reading, 391
command line interface (CLI), 453
comma-separated values (CSV) files
converting to TSV files, 392–393
creating, 391
overview, 389–391
reading, 391
CSS, 132
HTML, 101–102
JavaScript, 193, 262–264
PHP, 316–318
commercial licenses for MySQL, 58
Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 427
Community Server, 57
company websites, web hosting for,
comparing objects, 421–422
comparison operators, 320–322
complex statements, 276–277, 319
computers, setting up for web
MySQL, installing, 20
overview, 19
PHP, installing, 20
web servers, installing, 19–20
concatenation, 196, 294
conditional blocks, 276–277
conditional statements
in for loops, 338
if statements, 330–333
overview, 319, 329–330
switch statements, 329, 333–335
conditionals, 197–200
conditions, setting up
comparing values, 320–322
joining multiple comparisons,
overview, 320
pattern matching with regular
expressions, 323–327
testing variable content, 322
confidentiality of websites, 587
configuration files
Apache, 83–84
editing, 82
MySQL, 65, 84
PHP, 83
configure command, 27–28, 41,
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
configuring Apache, 32–33
configuring php.ini files
disabling functions and classes,
error display, changing, 639
making changes outside of, 636
overview, 635
resource limits, changing, 639
session parameters, changing, 637
session timeout, changing, 636–637
working with, 635
connecting to MySQL server, 517–519
connection verification, 459
Console Panel, Firebug add-on, 267
console.log, 268
constants, 287–288
__construct method, 410
constructor, writing, 409–410
Contacts page, building, 651–653
continue statements, 344–346
Control Panel, XAMPP, 78–79, 85
converting HTML special characters to
entities, 432
convertState function, 538, 539
checking if enabled, 438–440
overview, 438
session parameters, changing, 637
copy statement, 368
files with PHP functions, 368–369
objects, 420–421
corrupt tables, replacing from
backups, 471
counting characters in text boxes,
CREATE privilege, 462
CREATE TABLE statement, 491–493
CREATE USER statement, 465
Creative Commons, 150
cross site scripting, 430
crypt() function, 610
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
advantages of, 122
background colors, changing,
background images, adding, 150–154
borders, 140–144
classes, 131–134
comments, 132
external style sheets, 128–129
font color, setting, 138–140
font family, setting, 134–136
font size, setting, 136–138
footers, 163–167
on forms, reviewing, 561–562
general discussion, 11, 121–122
headers, 163–167
hiding elements, 161
inline, 122–126
internal style sheets, 126–128
jQuery, changing with, 237–240
limitations of, 122–123
list styles, 144–147
matching cases with HTML, 131
overview, 121
for registration pages, 597–598
single-column layout, creating,
targeting styles
background colors, changing,
groups of elements, 131–134
individual elements, 130–131
overview, 128–129
selecting HTML elements, 130
two-column layout, creating,
web form fields, aligning with,
CSS classes, 131–134
CSV (comma-separated values) files
converting to TSV files, 392–393
creating, 391
overview, 389–391
reading, 391Index
curly braces ({}), 208, 276–277, 278,
284, 285
current statement, 303
currentVal variable, 256
d date format symbol, 308
D date format symbol, 309
dashed border style, 141
adding to databases, 498–502
choosing for databases, 475–477
transfer fees, by web-hosting
companies, 17
data types
Boolean, 288, 295–296
CHAR, 483
character strings, 292–295
DATE, 483
ENUM, 484
floating-point numbers, 289–291
INT, 483
integer, 288, 289–291
integers, 289–291
MySQL, 481–484
NULL, 288, 296
numeric, 289–291
object, 288
overview, 288–289
querying PHP, 289
resource, 288
TEXT, 483
TIME, 483
database design
choosing data for, 475–477
documentation, 487–488
organizing data, 477–480
overview, 475
relationships between tables,
creating, 480–481
sample, 484–487
storing different types of data,
browsing data in, 502
building, 489–493
choosing data for, 475–477
controlling access to, 459–462
data, adding, 498–502
organizing data, 477–480
overview, 475, 497
relationships between tables,
creating, 480–481
removing data from, 513–514
retrieving data from, 502
combining data from separate
tables, 508–513
overview, 502–503
specific information, 503–504
in specific orders, 505
from specific rows, 505–508
sample, 484–487
storing different types of data,
structure of, 450, 494–495
updating data in, 513
user, for login applications, 589–591
web services, returning data with,
writing designs, 487–488
date data, storing, 482
DATE data type, 483
date format symbols, 308–309
date() function, 308, 545
dates, 220, 307–310, 542–545
DATETIME data type, 484
db table, 463
debugging with Firebug add-on,
DECIMAL data type, 483
decimal list style, 144
default filenames, 18662
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
default root account, 458
default time zones, setting, 307–308
default values for drop-down boxes,
define statement, 287
DELETE privilege, 462
DELETE statement, 513
data in databases, 513–514
databases, 490
files with PHP functions, 368–369
delimiters, 327
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, 433
deprecated functions, 313
designing databases
choosing data for, 475–477
documentation, 487–488
organizing data, 477–480
overview, 475
relationships between tables,
creating, 480–481
sample, 484–487
storing different types of data,
destroying objects, 423–424
__destruct method, 423–424
detecting web browsers, 214–216
Developer’s Tools CD, 43
development environment
configuring, 82–84
testing, 79–82
die statement, 385
directives, 32, 84
copying file into different, 368
creating with PHP, 369–370
include, 363
listing files in, 370–372
overview, 366
PHP scripts, 81
root, 366
directory handles, 370
directory listings, FTP, 380
dirname function, 367
disable-libxml option, PHP, 45
form fields, 257–259
functions and classes, 637–638
disc list style, 144
diskspace, provided by web-hosting
companies, 17
display code, separating from logic
code, 357–358
display CSS property, 160
display_errors directive, 639
display_errors option, 428
displaying PHP content on web pages,
displaying values in PHP variables
with echo statements, 284–285
knowing how long variables hold
values, 286
overview, 284
with print statements, 284–285
with print_r statements, 286
with var_dump statements, 286–287
DISTINCT keyword, 505, 508
div CSS selector, 130
<div> tag, 95, 96, 126, 127–128
division, 197
division (/) sign, 290
.dll files, 74
DMG files, installing MySQL on Macs
from, 62–63
DNS (Domain Name System), 9, 14
doctypes, 90–91
document object, 211, 214
Document Object Model (DOM), 210,
Document Root
changing location of, 32, 33
location of, 51
Document Type Declaration (DTD),
documents, HTML
block-level elements, 98
body section, 94
comments, 101–102
head section, 92–93
images, adding, 113–116Index
indentation in, 102
inline elements, 98
inserting text, 95–96
line breaks, inserting, 99–101
links, adding, 108–112
lists, adding, 102–105
overview, 89–90, 91–92
root element, 92
spaces, inserting, 99–101
tables, 102–103, 105–108
title elements, 93
types of, declaring, 90–91
dollar amounts, formatting numbers
as, 291
dollar sign ($), 282, 283, 405
DOM (Document Object Model), 210,
Domain Name System (DNS), 9, 14
domain names, 9
DOMDocument object, 551
DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 433
dot (.), 294
dot notation, 208, 209
dotted border style, 141
double border style, 141
double quotes (“ “), 285
double-quoted strings, 292–294
do..while loops, 335, 341–342
downloaded files, verifying, 24–25,
39, 59
Apache, from website, 23
Firebug add-on, 265
with FTP, 380–382
jQuery, 220–221
MySQL, 58
PHP, from website, 37
XAMPP installation kit, 75–76
DROP privilege, 462, 490
DROP TABLE statement, 493
DROP USER statement, 468
drop-down boxes, 170, 174–176, 431,
DTD (Document Type Declaration),
dynamic web applications
MySQL, 12–13
PHP, 12–13
E_ERROR keyword, 312
each() loop, 230
echo statements, 275–276, 278–281,
284–285, 287, 298
ECMA-262 specification, 188
e-commerce administration, 587
editors, text, 89, 97, 311
else section of if statements, 330
elseif section of if statements, 330
e-mail addresses
PHP validation of, 581–582
provided by web-hosting
companies, 17
e-mail functionality
class methods, building, 628–632
overview, 618–619
password recovery page, building,
password reset database,
building, 619
password reset page, building,
process files, building, 625–628
success page, building, 622–623, 625
emailPass method, 628–630
em’s, font sizing by, 136–138
enable-ftp option, PHP, 45
enable-magic-quotes option,
PHP, 45
FTP, 378
panels in Firebug add-on, 267
encoding, character, 119
encryption of MySQL passwords, 461
end statement, 303
ending statements, in for loops, 338
endingcondition statement, 336
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
Enterprise Server, 58
entities, database, 478
ENUM data type, 484
enumeration data, storing, 482–483
equal operator (==), 421–422
equal sign (=), 194, 282
error display, changing PHP, 639
error log, MySQL, 70
error messages
access denied, 69
Can’t connect to . . ., 70
client does not support
authentication protocol, 69–70
MySQL, 522–523
SQLite software, 395
undefined function, 53, 73
web services, 547
error messages, PHP, 301
displaying, 313–315
fatal errors, 312
logging, 315–316
notices, 313
operating system commands,
accessing with, 376–377
overview, 310
parse errors, 311
strict messages, 313
suppressing, 315
types of, 310–311
warnings, 312
error_log option, 428
error_reporting directive, 639
errors, handling with Exception
class, 419–420
escaping from HTML, 272
escaping special characters, 292,
form, 242–247
hover event handler, adding,
keyboard, 254–259
mouse click event handler, adding,
overview, 241
types of, 241–242
Exception class, handling errors
with, 419–420
exchanging PHP data with other
programs, 389–391
exclamation point (!), 332–333
exec function, 372, 375–376
exec-prefix=EPREFIX option,
PHP, 45
expose_php option, 428
expressions for WHERE clause,
Extensible Markup Language (XML),
541, 550–553
extensions for MySQL support, 71
external JavaScript files, 190
external style sheets, 128–129
extract function, 302
F date format symbol, 308
F12 Developer Tools, 264
fatal errors, 311, 312
Fedora, 23, 37
feedback to form users, providing,
feof function, 387
fgets statement, 387, 388, 391
fields on web forms
aligning with CSS, 180–183
malicious attacks through, 429–430
<fieldset> tag, 172
file extensions, PHP, 19
file function, 389, 391
file handles, 384
file management with PHP
copying files, 368–369
deleting files, 368–369
getting information about files, 366
moving files, 368–369
overview, 366
file modes, 380
FILE privilege, 462
file system, 366Index
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
directory listings, 380
downloading files with, 380–382
functions, 382–383
logging in to server, 379
overview, 378
safe uploading with, 434–436
support for, enabling, 45
uploading files with, 380–382
file_exists statement, 366
file_get_contents function, 389
file_uploads setting, 433
fileatime function, 367
filectime function, 367
filegroup function, 367
filemtime function, 367
filename extensions, verifying, 434
changing in Apache, 33
default, 18
fileowner function, 367
files. See also File Transfer Protocol
accessing text files, with PHP,
Apache configuration, 83–84
binary, 23, 37, 58, 380
closing text, 386
comma-delimited, 389–391, 500
copying into different
directories, 368
copying with PHP functions,
CSV, 389–391, 392–393
default filenames, 18
deleting with PHP functions,
.dll, 74
DMG, installing MySQL on Macs from,
downloaded, verifying, 24–25,
39, 59
editing configuration, 82
external JavaScript, 190
file extensions, PHP, 19
file management with PHP
copying files, 368–369
deleting files, 368–369
getting information about files, 366
moving files, 368–369
overview, 366
file modes, 380
filename extensions, verifying, 434
flat, PHP statements for
accessing files, 384–386
exchanging data in, 390
overview, 383–384
reading from, 387–390
SQLite software, 394–395
writing to, 386–387
formats for image, 115
getting information about with PHP
functions, 366
.htaccess, setting PHP options
in, 636
httpd.conf, 32, 47, 83–84
include, 359
installing MySQL from RPM files on
Linux, 61–62
listing in directories, 370–372
modes for opening, 384
moving with PHP functions,
my.cnf, 84
MySQL configuration, 65, 84
organizing with PHP functions,
password recovery process,
creating, 625–626
PHP configuration, 83
disabling functions and classes,
editing, 50–51, 53, 83
error display, changing, 639
file_uploads setting, 433
limiting file sizes in, 433
location of, 83
making changes outside of, 636
overview, 635666
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
files (continued)
resource limits, changing, 639
security options, setting in, 428
session parameters, changing, 637
session timeout, changing, 636–637
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73
working with, 635
prepended, starting sessions with,
preventing uploads to PHP, 433
process files, building, 625–628
reading into arrays, 388–389
reset process, creating, 627–628
specifying log files, 316
tab-delimited, 391–393, 500
test.php, 51–52
TSV, 391–393
uploading with FTP, 434–436
validating, 433–434
verifying downloaded, 24–25
Zip, 37, 46
filesize function, 367
filetype function, 367
filter_var() function, 581–582, 585
filtering jQuery selectors, 227
final keyword, 418
Firebug add-on
debugging with, 266–268
installing, 264–266
overview, 264
Firebug console, 266
Firefox web browser, 264–268
firewalls, 426
flat files, PHP statements for
accessing files, 384–386
exchanging data in, 390
overview, 383–384
reading from, 387–390
SQLite software, 394–395
writing to, 386–387
float CSS property, 160
floating-point numbers, 288, 289–291
FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement, 466
folders, 366
font family, setting, 134–136
font sizing methods, 136–137
font-family property, 134–135
fonts, styling with CSS
color, setting, 138–140
font family, setting, 134–136
general discussion, 122–126
overview, 11, 134
size, setting, 136–138
font-size CSS property, 136–137
font-style property, 126
font-weight property, 126
fopen() function, 434
fopen statement, 385
for loops
advanced, 337–339
building, 336
general discussion, 200–203
nesting, 336–337
overview, 335
foreach statement, 304–305, 306
form events, 241, 242–247
<form> tag, 95, 170, 172–173
form validation. See also PHP
adding to web form, 563–565,
basic, 557–561
of check boxes, 579–580
of drop-downs, 579–580
e-mail addresses, 581–582
feedback to form users, 565–568
form validation process, 555–556
HTML, 116–119
HTML and CSS on forms, reviewing,
matching passwords, 582–584
of numbers, 580–581
overview, 555, 574–576
of radio buttons, 579–580
refining, 568–570
of required fields, 576–579
of text, 579
of URLs, 582
validation functions, creating,
of web forms, 246–247Index
format symbols for dates, 308–309
formats for image files, 115
dates, 308
numbers as dollar amounts, 291
forms. See also validation
aligning fields with CSS, 180–183
check boxes, creating, 176–177
clearing, 180
counting characters in text boxes,
creating with OOP, 414–415
disabling form fields, 257–259
drop-down boxes, adding, 174–176
<form> tag, 172–173
general discussion, 169–170
input elements of, 170–172
malicious attacks through, 429–432
overview, 169
radio buttons, 178–179
submitting, 179–180
text inputs, adding, 173–174
unexpected input, handling,
forward slash (/), 327
front slash (/), 197
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
directory listings, 380
downloading files with, 380–382
functions, 382–383
logging in to server, 379
overview, 378
safe uploading with, 434–436
support for, enabling, 45
uploading files with, 380–382
ftp_cdup function, 382
ftp_chdir function, 382
ftp_close function, 382, 436
ftp_connect function, 379, 382, 435
ftp_delete function, 382
ftp_exec function, 382
ftp_fget function, 382
ftp_fput function, 383
ftp_get function, 380, 383, 436
ftp_login function, 383, 435
ftp_mdtm function, 383
ftp_mkdir function, 383
ftp_nlist function, 380, 383
ftp_put function, 381, 383, 435
ftp_pwd function, 383
ftp_rename function, 383
ftp_rmdir function, 383
ftp_size function, 383
ftp_systype function, 383
function files, creating, 591–593
function keyword, 204
functions. See also specific functions by
accessing HTML with JavaScript, 211
addNumbers, 205–207
anonymous, 225
arguments, adding, 204
calling, 204–205
creating, 204
FTP, 382–383
overview, 203–204
returning results from, 207–208
functions, PHP. See also specific
functions by name
built-in, 356
code reuse through, 536–539
creating, 347
deprecated, 313
disabling, 637–638
error messages, 312
file management, 365–369
include files, placing in, 360
for MySQL, 452
organizing scripts with, 358–359
overview, 319, 346
passing values to, 349–354
related to objects and classes,
returning values from, 354–356
reusing code, 358
for validation, 585–586
variables, using in, 347–349
for working with MySQL, 516
functions, SQL, 504
fwrite statement, 386668
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
G date format symbol, 309
g date format symbol, 309
GET method, 172, 173, 548
get_class_methods function, 422
get_class_vars function, 422
get_object_vars function, 423
_getDocType method, 645
getElementById function, 211–214
_getHead() method, 645
_getHtmlOpen() method, 645
getTop() method, 644, 648
global functions, 347
global statement, 348–349
Google, use of page titles, 93
Google Maps, 188
GRANT privilege, 462
GRANT statements, 465, 466–467
GRANT tables, 473
GROUP BY, SELECT queries, 505
grSecurity, 425
H date format symbol, 309
h date format symbol, 309
<h1> through <h6> tags, 95, 96
hardening servers, 425–426
hash values, 438
HashCheck, 39
head section, HTML documents,
<head> section of page, 643
Hello World script, 274
helper functions, automatically
including, 531–535
auto_prepend_file function,
classes, using for efficiency, 534–535
overview, 531
sessions, starting with prepended
files, 532–534
heredoc statement, 295
hex codes, 137–138
hiding elements with CSS, 161
hinting, type, 406
holding data
in arrays, 195
in variables, 193–195
host table, 463
choosing hosts, 14–15
for company websites, 15–16
hosted websites, using, 18–19
overview, 14
web-hosting companies, choosing,
hostnames, 19, 460–461
hover event handlers, 251–254
hover() function, 253
<hr> tag, 95
href attribute, 108
htdocs directory, 81
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
block-level elements, 98
comments, 101–102
converting special characters to
entities, 432
creating pages, 97–98
CSS styling, adding to page elements,
CSS targeting of elements, 130
documents, 89–94
escaping from, 272
on forms, reviewing, 561–562
general discussion, 10–11
images, adding, 113–116
include files, placing in, 359
inline elements, 98
inserting text in pages, 95–96
JavaScript, working with, 189–190,
jQuery, working with, 227–232
line breaks, inserting, 99–101
links, adding, 108–112
lists, adding, 102–105
output on web pages,
troubleshooting, 53
overview, 89
PHP logic, separating from, 357–358Index
semantic markup, 95
spaces, inserting, 99–101
tables, 102–103, 105–108
tags, 94–95, 103
validating, 116–119
HTML5 document type, 90
htmlentities() function, 432
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol),
8–9, 548
httpd.conf file, 32, 47, 83–84
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
block-level elements, 98
comments, 101–102
converting special characters to
entities, 432
creating pages, 97–98
CSS styling, adding to page elements,
CSS targeting of elements, 130
documents, 89–94
escaping from, 272
on forms, reviewing, 561–562
general discussion, 10–11
images, adding, 113–116
include files, placing in, 359
inline elements, 98
inserting text in pages, 95–96
JavaScript, working with, 189–190,
jQuery, working with, 227–232
line breaks, inserting, 99–101
links, adding, 108–112
lists, adding, 102–105
output on web pages,
troubleshooting, 53
overview, 89
PHP logic, separating from, 357–358
semantic markup, 95
spaces, inserting, 99–101
tables, 102–103, 105–108
tags, 94–95, 103
validating, 116–119
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP),
8–9, 548
i date format symbol, 309
i++ (postfix operator), 201
icon, Firebug, 266
icons, used in book, 3
id attribute, 177, 182
id selector, 130–131
identical operator (===), 421–422
if statements
building, 330–332
complex statements, 277
negating, 332–333
nesting, 333
overview, 329, 330
IIS (Internet Information Services),
Microsoft, 8, 19, 25, 48–49, 273
adding to background, 150–154
changing with jQuery, 234–237
file size, 114
formats, 115
inserting in pages, 113–116
<img> tag, 95, 113–114
include files
external text files, bringing into
script, 360–361
include directories, setting up, 363
include statements, types of, 360
overview, 359–360
PHP tags in, 361
secure storage for, 361–362
variables, using in, 361
include statements, types of, 360
include_once statements, 360–361
increment statement, 336
in HTML, 102
in PHP code, 277–278
indexes, 203
infinite loops
avoiding, 343–344
with while loops, 341
infodir=DIR option, PHP, 45
inheritance, 400670
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
ini_get() function, 636
ini_set() function, 636
initUser function, 610
inline CSS, 122–126
inline elements, 98
inner joints, 510
in-page anchors, 111
input data, accepting in web services,
input elements of, 170–172
<input> tag, 95
INSERT privilege, 462
INSERT statement, 499, 602
line breaks, in pages, 99–101
spaces, in pages, 99–101
text in HTML pages, 95–96
installation kit, XAMPP
Control Panel, using, 78–79
installing, 76–78
obtaining, 75–76
overview, 24, 38, 59, 75
reinstalling, 84–85
testing, 79–82
troubleshooting, 85
uninstalling, 84–85
installation kits
for Apache, 24
for MySQL, 59
for PHP, 38–39
Installation Type screen, 26
Apache, 25–28
Firebug add-on, 264–266
jQuery, 220–221
MySQL, 20, 59–65
PHP, 20, 40–46
web servers, on local computers,
XAMPP installation kit, 76–78
instanceof operator, 423
instantiation, 398, 402, 413
INT data type, 483
integer data type, 288, 289–291
interfaces, 417–418
internal style sheets, 126–128
Internet Explorer
F12 Developer Tools, 264
JavaScript support, 188
Internet Information Services (IIS),
Microsoft, 8, 19, 25, 48–49, 273
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
general discussion, 9
as hostnames, 460
is_dir function, 367
is_executable function, 367
is_file function, 367
is_readable function, 367
is_writable function, 367
isLoggedIn property, 612–613,
isNaN() function, 206
with foreach statement, 304–305
manual, 303–304
multidimensional arrays, 306
overview, 302–303
j date format symbol, 308
Java, 12, 187–188
JavaScript. See also jQuery
alerts, sending to screen, 191–193
arrays, holding multiple values
in, 195
benefits of, 188
comments, adding, 193
conditionals, 197–200
debugging with Firebug add-on,
form, 242–247
hover event handler, adding,
keyboard, 254–259
mouse click event handler, adding,
overview, 241
types of, 241–242Index
external, 190
functions, 203–208
general discussion, 11–12
HTML, working with, 189–190,
Java versus, 187–188
JavaScript tag, adding to
pages, 189
for login pages, 606–607
looping, 200–203
numbers, working with, 196–197
objects, 208–210
overview, 187, 191
password recovery pages, building,
for registration pages, 596–597
strings, keeping track of words with,
alerts, 191–193, 262
comments, 262–264
Firebug add-on, 264–268
overview, 261
adding to web form, 563–565,
basic, 557–561
feedback to form users, 565–568
HTML and CSS on forms, reviewing,
overview, 556
refining, 568–570
variables, holding data in, 193–195
web browsers, working with,
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON),
541, 542–545, 551–553
JavaScript tag, adding to pages, 189
JavaScript validation
adding to web form, 563–565,
basic, 557–561
feedback to form users, 565–568
HTML and CSS on forms, reviewing,
overview, 556
refining, 568–570
JOIN query, 510–513
joining multiple comparisons,
joining strings, 196, 294
jQuery. See also events
CDN-hosted, adding to pages,
CSS, changing, 237–240
general discussion, 219–220
HTML, working with, 227–232
HTML attributes, setting, 232–237
installing, 220–221
local, adding to pages, 221–222
overview, 214, 219
ready() function, 223–225
selecting elements with, 225–227
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation),
541, 542–545, 551–553
json_decode() PHP function,
keyboard events
counting characters in text boxes,
overview, 241
preventing character input, 257–259
key/value pairs, 297
DISTINCT, 505, 508
E_ERROR, 312
final, 418
function, 204
LIMIT, 505, 508
private, 404
protected, 404
public, 404
return, 207
var, 193–194
krsort function, 301
ksort function, 301672
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
l date format symbol, 309
<label> tag, 172
language options, XAMPP web
page, 80
<legend> tag, 172
length property, 202
<li> tag, 103
LIMIT keyword, 505, 508
line breaks, inserting in pages,
line numbers in script, 311
lines, separating in PHP code,
<link> tag, 95, 128–129
absolute versus relative, 111
adding to page, 108–109
opening in new windows, 112
to other pages, creating, 109–110
overview, 108
within pages, creating, 111–112
password recovery page, adding
to, 621
activating MySQL support, 71–72
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469–471
case sensitivity with SQL, 452
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
configuring Apache for PHP, 49
controlling MySQL server, 67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache from source code
on, 27–28
installing MySQL from RPM files,
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 40–42, 44–45
obtaining Apache for, 23–24
obtaining MySQL for, 58–59
obtaining PHP for, 37–38
PHP, installing on, 20
restarting Apache on, 30
starting Apache on, 29–30
starting MySQL on, 57
stopping Apache on, 30
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73
list function, 302
creating in HTML, 102–105
of directory files, creating, 370–372
styles, 144–147
list-style-type CSS
properties, 144
literal characters, 323–326
LOAD DATA INFILE statement, 501
LOAD statement, 498–502
local jQuery, adding to pages,
local time, setting, 307–308
local variables, 347
location object, 216–217
location options, configure
command, 43
log out pages, building, 614–618
log_errors option, 428
logging in to FTP server, 379
logging PHP error messages, 315–316
logic code, separating from display
code, 357–358
login applications
authenticated pages, adding,
e-mail functionality
class methods, building, 628–632
overview, 618–619
password recovery page, building,
password reset database,
building, 619
password reset page, building,
process files, building, 625–628
success page, building,
622–623, 625Index
function files, creating, 591–593
general discussion, 588
login pages, building, 604–607
overview, 587
success pages, building, 602–604
user database, creating, 589–591
User objects, creating, 607–611
web forms, creating, 593–602
login names, 460
login pages, 523–524, 604–607
long strings, storing, 295
breaking out of, 344–346
do..while loops, 341–342
each() loops, 230
for, 200–203, 335–339
infinite, avoiding, 343–344
overview, 200, 319, 335
while loops, 203, 338–341
M date format symbol, 308
m date format symbol, 308
activating MySQL support, 71–72
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469–471
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation
on, 36
configuring Apache for PHP, 49
controlling MySQL server, 67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache on, 27–28
installing MySQL from DMG files,
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 20, 42–45
obtaining Apache for, 24
obtaining MySQL for, 59
obtaining PHP for, 38
restarting Apache on, 30
starting Apache on, 29–30
stopping Apache on, 30
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73
magic quotes feature, 525–526
mail() function, 630
maintainance of PHP scripts, 357
make command, 28
malicious attacks, 429–432, 433
MAMP installation kit, 24, 39
mandir=DIR option, PHP, 45
manually shutting down MySQL
server, 67
manually traversing arrays, 303–304
margin CSS property, 157, 158
markup, semantic, 11, 95
master class, 400
mathematical operations on database
columns, 503
max_execution_time directive, 639
maxCharacters variable, 256
maxsize attribute, 173
MD5 signatures, 39
members-only websites
authenticated pages, adding,
e-mail functionality
class methods, building, 628–632
overview, 618–619
password recovery page, building,
password reset database,
building, 619
password reset page, building,
process files, building, 625–628
success page, building,
622–623, 625
function files, creating, 591–593
general discussion, 588
login pages, building, 604–607
overview, 587
success pages, building, 602–604
user database, creating, 589–591
User objects, creating, 607–611
web forms, creating, 593–602674
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
memory_limit directive, 639
meta elements, 93
method attribute, 172
methods. See also specific methods by
abstract, 415–418
adding to classes, 405–407
choosing for OOP scripts, 401–402
class, building, 628–632
__clone, 420–421
__construct, 410
constructor, writing, 409–410
__destruct, 423–424
emailPass, 628–630
GET, 172, 173, 548
_getDocType, 645
_getHead(), 645
_getHtmlOpen(), 645
getTop(), 644, 648
overview, 399–400
POST, 172, 173, 548
preventing changes to, 418
private, 407–409, 632
public, 407–409
_resetPass, 632
validateReset(), 630–631
click event handler, adding, 247–251
hover event handler, adding,
overview, 241
Microsoft Internet Information
Services (IIS), 8, 19, 25, 48–49, 273
Microsoft Virtual PC for Application
Compatibility software, 122
Microsoft Windows. See also XAMPP
installation kit
activating MySQL support, 71
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
configuring web server for PHP,
controlling MySQL server, 66–67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache on, 25–26
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 20, 46
MySQL Setup Wizard, running on,
obtaining Apache for, 23
obtaining MySQL for, 58
obtaining PHP for, 37
starting and stopping Apache on,
starting MySQL on, 57
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73, 74
minus sign (-), 197, 290
mkdir function, 369–370
mobile devices, 10
mod_security, 427
mod_so module, 40, 42
modes for opening files, 384
modulus (%) sign, 290
mouse events
click event handler, adding, 247–251
hover event handler, adding,
overview, 241
moving files with PHP functions,
multidimensional arrays, 305–306
multi-line comments, 263
multiple comparisons, joining,
multiple inheritance, 400
multiple_query function, 520
multiplication, 197
multiplication (*) sign, 290
my.cnf file, 84
adding, 465
administrator responsibilities
regarding, 458
attributes of, 459
names of, 460–461
overview, 455, 462, 464
passwords, 461, 465–466Index
privileges, 461–462, 466–467
removing, 467–468
viewing information about, 464
activating support for, 71–72
administration program for, 70
administrator responsibilities,
backing up databases, 468–471
checking for installation of, 55–56
communicating with, 450–454
configuring, 65, 84
controlling access to data, 459–462
controlling server, 66–67
database structure, 450
default root account, 458
downloading, 58
errors, handling with PHP, 522–523
function of, 449–450
general discussion, 12–13
installing, 20, 59–65
location of databases, 19
mysqli functions, 523–526
mysqli functions, converting to
mysql functions, 526–527
obtaining, 57–59
overview, 449, 457
PHP communication with, 516–521
PHP scripts, working with, 515–516
protecting databases, 454–455
provided by web-hosting
companies, 16
restoring data, 471–473
running as service, 85
selecting databases with PHP, 521
server, connecting to, 517–519
SQL statements, sending to
server, 519
starting, 56–57
testing, 68–69
troubleshooting connections with
PHP, 73–74
troubleshooting installation, 69–70
upgrading, 473
XAMPP Control Panel, starting and
stopping with, 78–79
mysql client, 68–69, 452, 453
mysql database, 463, 464
mysql extension, 71
mysql functions
converting mysqli functions to,
overview, 516
selecting databases with, 521
MySQL server, 449–450
MySQL Setup Wizard, running on
Windows, 60–61
MySQL website, downloading software
from, 58
MySQL Workbench, 70
mysql_select_db function, 521
mysql_upgrade script, 473
mysqladmin utility, 67
mysqldump utility program, 469
mysqli extension, 71
mysqli functions
converting to mysql functions,
error messages, handling, 522–523
overview, 516
types of, 523–526
function, 525
mysqli_connect function, 517–518
mysqli_error function, 522–523
mysqli_insert_id function, 524
mysqli_num_rows function, 523–524
mysqli_query() function, 522
function, 526
function, 602
mysqli_select_db function, 521
myVariable variable, 194
n date format symbol, 308
name attribute, 112, 177, 178
names of accounts, MySQL, 460–461676
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
PHP constants, 288
PHP functions, 359
PHP variables, 282
variables, 195
navigator object, 214–215
negating if statements, 332–333
foreach statements, 306
if statements, 333
queries, 503
Net Panel, Firebug add-on, 267
next statement, 303
none list style, 144, 146–147
Notepad, 97
notices, 311, 313
NULL data type, 288, 296
number_format statement, 291
numbering of script lines, 311
comparing values in PHP, 321
PHP validation of, 580–581
working with in JavaScript, 196–197
numeric data types
arithmetic operations on, 289
arithmetic operators, 290–291
formatting numbers as dollar
amounts, 291
numerical data, storing, 482
object data types, 288
object-oriented programming (OOP).
See also classes
abstract methods, 415–418
classes, 398–399, 413–415
code reuse through, 539
comparing objects, 421–422
copying objects, 420–421
destroying objects, 423–424
developing scripts, 400–402
errors, handling with Exception
class, 419–420
functions related to objects and
classes, 422–423
inheritance, 400
methods, 399–400
objects, 398–399
overview, 397–398
preventing changes to classes or
methods, 418
properties, 399
choosing for OOP scripts, 401–402
comparing, 421–422
copying, 420–421
creating, 208–209, 413
creating and using in OOP scripts, 402
destroying, 423–424
getting information about, 422–423
overview, 208, 398–399
properties, adding to, 209–210
offsite storage of database
backups, 468
<ol> tag, 103
on() function, 255
OOP (object-oriented programming).
See also classes
abstract methods, 415–418
classes, 398–399, 413–415
code reuse through, 539
comparing objects, 421–422
copying objects, 420–421
destroying objects, 423–424
developing scripts, 400–402
errors, handling with Exception
class, 419–420
functions related to objects and
classes, 422–423
inheritance, 400
methods, 399–400
objects, 398–399
overview, 397–398
preventing changes to classes or
methods, 418
properties, 399
open_basedir option, 428Index
opendir statement, 370–372
opening files, modes for, 384
opening tags, 91
operating system commands
backticks, 373–374
error messages, accessing with,
exec function, 375–376
overview, 372–373
passthru function, 376
security issues, 377–378
system function, 374–375
operating systems
activating MySQL support, 71–72
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469–471
case sensitivity with SQL, 452
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
configuring Apache for PHP, 49
controlling MySQL server, 67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache from source code
on, 27–28
installing MySQL from RPM files,
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 40–42, 44–45
obtaining Apache for, 23–24
obtaining MySQL for, 58–59
obtaining PHP for, 37–38
PHP, installing on, 20
restarting Apache on, 30
starting Apache on, 29–30
starting MySQL on, 57
stopping Apache on, 30
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73
activating MySQL support, 71–72
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469–471
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
configuring Apache for PHP, 49
controlling MySQL server, 67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache on, 27–28
installing MySQL from DMG files,
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 20, 42–45
obtaining Apache for, 24
obtaining MySQL for, 59
obtaining PHP for, 38
restarting Apache on, 30
starting Apache on, 29–30
stopping Apache on, 30
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73
backing up databases on, 469–471
case sensitivity with SQL, 452
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
getting Apache information on, 31
installing PHP on, 40–42, 44–45
obtaining MySQL for, 58–59
restarting Apache on, 30
starting Apache on, 29–30
stopping Apache on, 30
activating MySQL support, 71
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
configuring web server for PHP,
controlling MySQL server, 66–67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache on, 25–26
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 20, 46678
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
operating systems (continued)
MySQL Setup Wizard, running on,
obtaining Apache for, 23
obtaining MySQL for, 58
obtaining PHP for, 37
starting and stopping Apache on,
starting MySQL on, 57
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73, 74
operating systems, PHP tasks on
exchanging data with other
programs, 389–391
file management, 365–369
FTP, 378–383
operating system commands,
organizing files, 369–372
overview, 365
reading and writing text files,
SQLite software, 394–395
or, in comparisons, 327–329
order, retrieving database data
in, 505
ORDER BY, SELECT queries, 505
order for passing values to
functions, 351
ordered lists, 103, 104–105
data in databases, 477–480
files with PHP functions, 369–372
organizing PHP scripts
display code, separating from logic
code, 357–358
with functions, 358–359
with include files, 359–363
overview, 357
reusing code, 358
outer joints, 510
<p> tag, 95, 96
padding, 143–144, 158
Page class, 642–643
page events, 241
page layouts, CSS
overview, 155
single-column layout, creating,
two-column layout, creating,
paid access to websites, 587
panels, enabling in Firebug
add-on, 267
parent classes, 400, 415–417
using with arithmetic operators,
using with comparisons, 329
parse errors, 311
passing values to PHP functions
number of, 351–352
order of, 351
overview, 349–350
by reference, 353–354
types of values, 350–351
passthru function, 372, 376
password recovery e-mail success
page, 622–623
password recovery pages, building,
password recovery process file,
creating, 625–626
password reset database,
building, 619
password reset pages, building,
MySQL accounts, 461, 465–466
PHP validation of, 582–584
root account, 458
pathinfo() function, 368Index
paths, changing in Apache, 33
pattern matching with regular
expressions, 323–327
percentages, font sizing by, 136–137
periods (.), 132
Perl-compatible regular
expressions, 323
permissions, MySQL accounts, 455
.php extension, 272
PHP functions. See also specific
functions by name
built-in, 356
code reuse through, 536–539
creating, 347
deprecated, 313
disabling, 637–638
error messages, 312
file management, 365–369
include files, placing in, 360
for MySQL, 452
organizing scripts with, 358–359
overview, 319, 346
passing values to, 349–354
related to objects and classes,
returning values from, 354–356
reusing code, 358
for validation, 585–586
variables, using in, 347–349
for working with MySQL, 516
PHP HyperText Preprocessor (PHP).
See also data types; object-
oriented programming
Apache, securing, 426–427
$_SESSION, 438
creating, 296–297
getting values from, 301–302
holding multiple values in, 195
for loops, 202–203
multidimensional, 305–306
overview, 288, 296
reading files into, 388–389
removing values from, 299
sorting, 299–301
viewing, 298–299
walking through values in,
checking for installation, 36
comments, adding to script,
configuring, 50–51, 83
configuring for MySQL support, 71
configuring web server for, 47–49
constants, 287–288
cookies, 438–440
dates and times, 307–310
displaying content on web pages,
error messages, 310–316
file extensions, 19
general discussion, 12–13,
helper functions, automatically
including, 531–535
installing, 20, 35, 40–46
obtaining, 36–39
OOP. See also classes
abstract methods, 415–418
classes, 398–399, 413–415
code reuse through, 539
comparing objects, 421–422
copying objects, 420–421
destroying objects, 423–424
developing scripts, 400–402
errors, handling with Exception
class, 419–420
functions related to objects and
classes, 422–423
inheritance, 400
methods, 399–400
objects, 398–399
overview, 397–398
preventing changes to classes or
methods, 418
properties, 399680
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
PHP HyperText Preprocessor (PHP)
operating systems tasks
exchanging data with other
programs, 389–391
file management, 365–369
FTP, 378–383
operating system commands,
organizing files, 369–372
overview, 365
reading and writing text files,
SQLite software, 394–395
overview, 271, 531
provided by web-hosting
companies, 16
registration-process pages, 598–602
reusing code, 535–539
sanitizing variables, 432–436
securing servers, 425–426
security options, setting in
php.ini, 428
sessions, 437–438, 440–446
structure of, 273–275
PHP HyperText Preprocessor (PHP)
syntax, 275–277
templates, 642–650
testing, 51–52, 81–82
troubleshooting connections with
MySQL, 73–74
troubleshooting installation of, 53
unexpected input, handling,
of check boxes, 579–580
of drop-downs, 579–580
e-mail addresses, 581–582
matching passwords, 582–584
of numbers, 580–581
overview, 574–576
of radio buttons, 579–580
of required fields, 576–579
of text, 579
of URLs, 582
validation functions, creating,
assigning strings to, 292
assigning values to, 282–283
creating, 282–283
displaying values in, 284–287
naming, 282
overview, 281
removing information from, 283
session, 437–438
single versus double quotes
with, 293
testing content of, 322
timestamps, assigning to, 309–310
using in functions, 347–349
variable, 283–284
writing code, 277–278
PHP scripts
breaking out of loops, 344–346
communicating with MySQL, 516–521
conditional statements, 329–335
conditions, setting up
comparing values, 320–322
joining multiple comparisons,
overview, 320
pattern matching with regular
expressions, 323–327
testing variable content, 322
display code, separating from logic
code, 357–358
do..while loops, 341–342
include files, organizing with,
infinite loops, avoiding, 343–344
for loops, 335–339
MySQL, working with, 515–516
MySQL errors, handling, 522–523
mysqli functions, 523–526
mysqli functions, converting to
mysql functions, 526–527
organizing, 357
overview, 319–320
reusing code, 358
selecting MySQL databases
with, 521
while loops, 338–341
PHP tags, 273, 361Index
PHP validation
of check boxes, 579–580
of drop-downs, 579–580
e-mail addresses, 581–582
matching passwords, 582–584
of numbers, 580–581
overview, 574–576
of radio buttons, 579–580
of required fields, 576–579
of text, 579
of URLs, 582
validation functions, creating,
PHP website, downloading from, 37
php_value directive, 636
phpinfo() output, 74
php.ini file
disabling functions and classes,
editing, 50–51, 53, 83
error display, changing, 639
file_uploads setting, 433
limiting file sizes in, 433
location of, 83
making changes outside of, 636
overview, 635
resource limits, changing, 639
security options, setting in, 428
session parameters, changing, 637
session timeout, changing, 636–637
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73
working with, 635
phpMyAdmin utility, 24, 81
pixels, font sizing by, 136–137
plus sign (+), 196, 289, 290
points, font sizing by, 136–137
port used by Apache, changing, 32, 33
POST method, 172, 173, 548
postfix operator (i++), 201
PostgreSQL databases, enabling
support for, 45
pound sign (#), 131, 173
prefix=PREFIX option, PHP, 45
preg_match() function, 326–327, 430,
431, 553
prepended files, starting sessions with,
preventDefault() function, 246
previous statement, 303
primary key, 479, 491
primary selectors, jQuery, 226
print statements, 278–281, 284–285
print_r statements, 286, 298
private keyword, 404
private properties and methods,
407–409, 632
privileges, MySQL accounts, 459,
461–462, 463, 466–467
process files, building, 625–628
exchanging PHP data with other,
provided by web-hosting companies,
server-side, 12
TextEdit, 97
web server, 8
$this variable, accessing with,
adding to objects, 209–210
background-color, 147
background-image, 150–154
background-position, 153
choosing for OOP scripts, 401–402
clear, 157
display, 160
float, 160
font-family, 134–135
font-size, 136–137
font-style, 126
font-weight, 126
isLoggedIn, 612–613, 614–618
length, 202
list-style-type, 144
margin, 157, 158
overview, 399
private, 407–409
property_exists, 422
public, 407–409
setting for classes, 403–404682
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
properties (continued)
text-decoration, 167
userAgent, 215–216
visibility, 161
width, 157
property_exists function, 422
protected keyword, 404
protecting databases, 454–455
protocol, HTTP, 8–9
provideFeedback function, 566,
public keyword, 404
public properties and methods,
queries, SQL
building, 451–452
to see account information, 464
sending, 452–454
querying PHP data types, 289
r mode, 384
r+ mode, 384
radio buttons, 170, 178–179, 431,
RDBMS (Relational Database
Management System), 13, 450,
read mode, opening files in, 385
readdir function, 370, 371
CSV files, 391
text files, with PHP, 387–390
ready() function, 223–225, 241, 246
real numbers, 289–291
redirecting to other pages, 216–217
image locations, 113–114
passing values to functions by,
refining validation, 568–570
register_globals setting, 428, 434
registerUser function, 602
registration pages
creating, 593–596
CSS, 597–598
JavaScript, 596–597
registration-process PHP pages,
regular expressions, 323–327, 430, 579
reinstalling XAMPP installation kit,
Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS), 13, 450, 477–480
relationships between database tables,
creating, 480–481
relative versus absolute links, 111
reliability of web-hosting
companies, 16
Remember icon, 3
removeAttr() function, 259
removeClass function, 239–240
removeFeedback function, 566, 570
information from PHP variables, 283
MySQL accounts, 467–468
tables from databases, 493
values from arrays, 299
rename statement, 369
repeating background images, 154
request verification, 459
require statements, 360
require_once statements, 361
required fields, PHP validation of,
Reset button, adding to web
forms, 180
reset process file, creating, 627–628
reset statement, 303
reset success pages, 625
_resetPass method, 632
resizing images, 114
resource data types, 288
resource limits, changing, 639
restart command, 30
restarting Apache, 29, 30
restoring data from backups, 471–473Index
results from functions, returning,
retrieving data from databases
combining data from separate tables,
overview, 502–503
specific information, 503–504
in specific orders, 505
from specific rows, 505–508
return keyword, 207
return statement, 347, 354–356
results from functions, 207–208
values from PHP functions, 354–356
reusing PHP code, 358, 535–539
REVOKE statement, 467
root account, 458
root directory, 366
root element, HTML documents, 92
counting number affected by
statements, 525
counting number retrieved by
queries, 523–524
retrieving database data from,
RPM files, installing MySQL on Linux
from, 61–62
rsort function, 301
rtrim function, 388
s date format symbol, 309
safe_mode option, 428
safe_mode_gid option, 428
sanitizing user input, 430
<script> tag, 95, 189
search engines, use of page titles, 93
search function, 356
Apache, 14
backing up databases, 468–471
FTP, 378
include files, 361–362
MySQL, 454–455, 518
operating system command issues,
security, PHP
Apache, securing, 426–427
overview, 425
sanitizing variables, 432–436
securing servers, 425–426
setting in php.ini, 428
unexpected input, handling,
select boxes, adding to web forms,
SELECT privilege, 462
SELECT query, 502–505, 508–513
SELECT statement, 631
selected attribute, 175, 176
selecting elements with jQuery,
selectors, CSS
groups of elements as, 131–134
individual elements as, 130–131
overview, 128–129
selecting HTML elements, 130
selectors, jQuery, 225–227
SELinux, 425
semantic markup, 11, 95
SERIAL data type, 484
servers. See also web hosting
advantages of, 14
checking version of, 42
configuring, 32–33, 83–84
configuring for PHP, 47–48, 49
getting information on, 31
installing on local computers,
installing PHP on Linux or Unix
with, 41
obtaining, 22–24
overview, 8, 21, 273
PHP compatability with, 273
running as service, 85
securing, 426–427
starting and stopping, 28–30684
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
servers (continued)
testing web servers, 21–22
verifying downloaded files, 24–25
version of, checking, 41
XAMPP Control Panel, starting and
stopping with, 78–79
configuring for PHP, 47–49
defined, 7
FTP, logging in to, 379
general discussion, 8–9
HTML documents, storing on, 89–90
installing, 25–28
installing on local computers,
PHP files, processing of, 271–272
securing, 425–426
testing for, 21–22
server-side programs, 12
server-side validation, 555, 556
Service check box, XAMPP Control
Panel, 85
servlet support, including, 45
session cookies, 637
session_destroy function, 446, 614
session_id function, 446
session_name function, 446
session_start() function,
440–441, 532
function, 445
closing, 445
options for, 446
overview, 437–438
parameters, changing, 637
prepended files, starting with,
function, 445
starting, 440–445
timeout, changing, 636–637
SET PASSWORD statement, 466
set_time_limit() function, 639
setcookie() function, 438–439
setSession() function, 610
setTimeout() function, 236
SHUTDOWN privilege, 462
shutting down MySQL server, 67
abstract methods, 416
MD5, 39
simple statements, 276–277
single line comments, 263
single quote (’), 292
single quotes (‘ ‘), 285
single-column fixed-width layout,
single-column liquid layout, 157–158
single-quoted strings, 292–294
site maps, 163
of font, setting with CSS, 136–138
of images, 114
size attribute, 173
exchanging PHP data with other,
provided by web-hosting
companies, 17
server-side, 12
TextEdit, 97
web server, 8
solid border style, 141
sort function, 299–300, 301
sorting arrays, 299–301
source code
installing Apache from, 23–24, 27–28
installing MySQL from, 63–65
installing PHP from, 38
output from PHP statements, 279
avoiding in filenames and URLs, 110
inserting in pages, 99–101
in SQL, 452
<span> tag, 95, 126, 127
special characters
-, 324
( ), 324
( | | ), 324
?, 324
^, 324
{ , }, 324Index
changing in Apache, 33
converting to entities, 432
escaping, 525–526
used in patterns, 323–326
specifying log files, 316
speed of web-hosting companies, 17
SQL (Structured Query Language),
queries, 451–454, 464
SQL injection, 429–430
statements, sending to MySQL, 519
SQL injection, 429–430
SQLite software, 394–395
sqlite_query function, 394–395
square brackets ([ ]), 296
square list style, 144
src attribute, 113, 190, 234
starting Apache, 29–30
startingvalue statement, 336
Startup Wizard, XAMPP, 76–78
AddType, 47–48, 49
beginning statements, in for
loops, 337
break, 334, 335, 344–346
class, 402, 403
complex, 276–277, 319
continue, 344–346
echo, 275–276, 278–281, 284–285,
287, 298
else section of if statements, 330
elseif section of if
statements, 330
ending statements, in for
loops, 338
GRANT, 465, 466–467
if statements, 277, 329, 330–333
include, types of, 360
include_once, 360–361
print, 278–281, 284–285
print_r, 286, 298
require, 360
require_once, 361
simple, 276–277
SQL, sending to MySQL, 519
switch, 329, 333–335
var_dump, 286–287, 289, 298
statistics, provided by web-hosting
companies, 17
stopping Apache, 29, 30
data types, 481–484
of database backups, 468
of include files, 361–362
strict messages, 311, 313
assigning to variables, 292
comparing, 321
defined, 288
double-quoted, 292–294
joining, 294
keeping track of words with,
overview, 288, 292
reading files into, 389
single-quoted, 292–294
SQL queries, 452
storing long, 295
strtotime statement, 309–310
of databases, 494–495
MySQL, 450
of PHP, 273–275
structure of HTML documents
body section, 94
head section, 92–93
overview, 91–92
root element, 92
title elements, 93
Structured Query Language (SQL)
queries, 451–454, 464
SQL injection, 429–430
statements, sending to MySQL, 519
<style> element, 127
style sheets
external, 128–129
internal, 126–128
subclasses, 400
subdomains, 9
submit event handler, 242–246, 563686
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
submit() function, 246, 568–569
submit input type, 179
submit type, 170
submitting web forms, 179–180, 182
subqueries, 503
substr() function, 231
subtraction, 197
success pages, building, 602–607,
622–623, 625
SuExec, 426–427
support for MySQL, 71–72
suppressing single error
messages, 315
switch statements, 329, 333–335
syntax, for mysql and mysqli functions,
syntax, PHP
complex statements, 276–277
overview, 275–276
simple statements, 276–277
system function, 372, 374–375, 377
tab-delimited files, 391–393, 500
<table> tag, 103
adding to databases, 491
combining data from database,
creating relationships between
database, 480–481
database, 450
HTML, 102–103, 105–108
RDBMS, 477–480
tables_priv table, 463
tabs, in PHP code, 293
tab-separated values (TSV) files,
<a>, 94, 108–109, 111–112
anchor, 94, 108–109, 111–112
<br>, 94, 99–100
closing, 91
<div>, 95, 96, 126, 127–128
<fieldset>, 172
<form>, 95, 170, 172–173
<h1> through <h6>, 95, 96
<hr>, 95
HTML, 94–95, 103
<img>, 95, 113–114
<input>, 95
JavaScript, adding to pages, 189
<label>, 172
<legend>, 172
<li>, 103
<link>, 95, 128–129
<ol>, 103
opening, 91
opening and closing, 91
<p>, 95, 96
PHP, 273, 361
<script>, 95, 189
<span>, 95, 126, 127
<table>, 103
<td>, 103
<th>, 103
<tr>, 103
<ul>, 103
tarballs, 27, 41, 43, 62, 64
target attribute, 112
targeting CSS styles
background colors, changing,
groups of elements, 131–134
individual elements, 130–131
overview, 128–129
selecting HTML elements, 130
<td> tag, 103
Technical Stuff icon, 3
technical support of web-hosting
companies, 17
bottom of page, 646
connecting top, middle, and bottom,
extending, 650–653
general discussion, 641–642
overview, 641
template class, creating, 642–643
top of page, 643–646Index
with conditionals, 197–200
CSS accross multiple browsers,
MySQL, 68–69
PHP, 51–52
for unexpected input on forms,
variable content, 322
for web servers, 21–22
XAMPP installation kit, 79–82
test.php file, 51–52
changing with each() loops,
fonts, styling with CSS
color, setting, 138–140
font family, setting, 134–136
general discussion, 122–126
overview, 11, 134
size, setting, 136–138
inserting in HTML pages, 95–96
PHP validation of, 579
text boxes
counting characters in, 254–257
creating, 254–255
preventing character input, 257–259
TEXT data type, 483
text editors, 89, 97
text files, PHP statements for
accessing files, 384–386
exchanging data in text files, 390
overview, 383–384
reading from, 387–390
SQLite software, 394–395
writing to, 386–387
text() function, 231
text inputs, adding to web forms,
text strings, 452
text type, 170
text-decoration CSS property, 167
TextEdit program, 97
<th> tag, 103
throwing an exception, 419–420
time data, storing, 482
TIME data type, 483
time zones, setting, 83, 307–308
timeout value for sessions, 443,
times, 307–310
timestamps, 307, 309–310
Tip icon, 3
title elements, HTML documents, 93
TLD (Top-Level Domain), 9
toggleClass function, 240
tokens, 311
top of page, in templates, 643–646
Top-Level Domain (TLD), 9
totalRemaining variable, 256
<tr> tag, 103
traversing arrays
with foreach statement, 304–305
manually, 303–304
multidimensional arrays, 306
overview, 302–303
JavaScript programs
alerts, 191–193, 262
comments, 262–264
Firebug add-on, 264–268
overview, 261
MySQL installation, 69–70
PHP and MySQL connections, 73–74
PHP installation, 53
with var_dump statements, 286–287
XAMPP installation kit, 85
try block, 420
TSV (tab-separated values) files,
turning off error messages, 313–314
Twitter, 541
two underscores (__), 407
two-column fixed-width layout,
two-column liquid layout, 161–162
type hinting, 406688
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
<ul> tag, 103
undefined function error message,
53, 73
uninstalling XAMPP installation kit,
UNION query, 509–510
backing up databases on, 469–471
case sensitivity with SQL, 452
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
getting Apache information on, 31
installing PHP on, 40–42, 44–45
obtaining MySQL for, 58–59
restarting Apache on, 30
starting Apache on, 29–30
stopping Apache on, 30
Unix timestamps, 307, 367, 368
unlink statement, 369
unordered lists, 103–104, 228
UPDATE privilege, 462
UPDATE statement, 513, 525
database data, 513
MySQL, 458
upgrading MySQL, 473
upload_max_filesize directive, 639
with FTP, 380–382, 434–436
limiting file sizes in php.ini, 433
preventing, to PHP, 433
upper-roman list style, 144
url_fopen setting, 434
opening PHP files through, 274
PHP validation of, 582
USAGE privilege, 462
user accounts, MySQL
adding, 465
administrator responsibilities
regarding, 458
attributes of, 459
names of, 460–461
overview, 462, 464
passwords, 461, 465–466
privileges, 461–462, 466–467
removing, 467–468
seeing information about, 464
User class, building, 607–610
user database for login applications
accessing, 591
building, 590–591
designing, 589–590
overview, 589
user hijacking, 430
User objects, creating, 607–611
user table, 463
userAgent property, 215–216
usort function, 301
antivirus, 434
apxs, 40, 42, 43, 44
mysqladmin, 67
mysqldump, 469
phpMyAdmin, 24, 81
yum, 23, 37
val() function, 246–247
validateForm() function, 564,
validateReset() method, 630–631
adding to web form, 563–565,
basic, 557–561
of check boxes, 579–580
of drop-downs, 579–580
e-mail addresses, 581–582
feedback to form users, 565–568
of files, 433–434
form validation process, 555–556
HTML, 116–119
HTML and CSS on forms, reviewing,
matching passwords, 582–584
of numbers, 580–581Index
overview, 555, 574–576
of radio buttons, 579–580
refining, 568–570
of required fields, 576–579
of text, 579
of URLs, 582
validation functions, creating,
of web forms, 246–247
validation functions, creating,
value attribute, 173–174
assigning to PHP variables, 282–283
displaying in PHP variables, 284–287
knowing how long variables
hold, 286
passing to PHP functions, 349–354
removing from arrays, 299
retrieving from arrays, 301–302
returning from PHP functions,
walking through in arrays, 302–305
var keyword, 193–194
var_dump statements, 286–287,
289, 298
VARCHAR data type, 483
variable variables, 283–284
condition, 200
holding data in, 193–195
for loops, 200
postfix operator (i++), 201
sanitizing, 432–436
variables, PHP
assigning strings to, 292
assigning values to, 282–283
creating, 282–283
displaying values in, 284–287
naming, 282
overview, 281
removing information from, 283
session, 437–438
single versus double quotes
with, 293
testing content of, 322
timestamps, assigning to,
using in functions, 347–349
variable, 283–284
verifying downloaded files, 24–25,
39, 59
versions of Apache, 22–23, 41, 42
viewing arrays, 298–299
virtual hosts, 427
Virtual PC for Application
Compatibility software,
Microsoft, 122
visibility CSS property, 161
Visibone’s Color Lab, 138
W date format symbol, 309
w mode, 384
w+ mode, 384
W3C Markup Validation Service,
walking through arrays, 302–305, 306
with foreach statement, 304–305
manually, 303–304
multidimensional arrays, 306
overview, 302–303
WAMPServer installation kit, 24, 38
Warning icon, 3
warning messages, 311, 312
web browsers
defined, 7
detecting with JavaScript, 214–216
fonts, choosing web-friendly,
general discussion, 8
JavaScript support, 188, 220
on mobile devices, 10
redirecting to other pages, 216–217
testing CSS across multiple,
Web Fonts, 135690
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
web forms. See also validation
aligning fields with CSS, 180–183
blank fields, checking for, 246–247
check boxes, creating, 176–177
clearing, 180
counting characters in text boxes,
creating, 593–602
creating with OOP, 414–415
disabling form fields, 257–259
drop-down boxes, adding, 174–176
<form> tag, 172–173
general discussion, 169–170
input elements of, 170–172
malicious attacks through, 429–432
mouse click event handler, adding,
overview, 169
radio buttons, 178–179
submit event handler, adding,
submitting, 179–180
text inputs, adding, 173–174
unexpected input, handling,
web hosting
choosing hosts, 14–15
for company websites, 15–16
hosted websites, using, 18–19
overview, 14
web-hosting companies, choosing,
web page languages
CSS, 11
HTML, 10–11
JavaScript, 11–12
overview, 10
web pages
block-level elements, 98
body section, 94
comments, 101–102
creating, 97–98
displaying PHP content on, 278–281
head section, 92–93
images, adding, 113–116
inline elements, 98
links, adding, 108–112
lists, adding, 102–105
overview, 7, 91–92
root element, 92
tables, 102–103, 105–108
title elements, 93
web server languages
Apache httpd, 13–14
MySQL, 12–13
overview, 12
PHP, 12–13
web servers. See also web hosting
advantages of, 14
checking version of, 42
configuring, 32–33, 83–84
configuring for PHP, 47–48, 49
getting information on, 31
installing on local computers,
installing PHP on Linux or Unix
with, 41
obtaining, 22–24
overview, 8, 21, 273
PHP compatability with, 273
running as service, 85
securing, 426–427
starting and stopping, 28–30
testing web servers, 21–22
verifying downloaded files, 24–25
version of, checking, 41
XAMPP Control Panel, starting and
stopping with, 78–79
configuring for PHP, 47–49
defined, 7
FTP, logging in to, 379
general discussion, 8–9
HTML documents, storing on, 89–90
installing, 25–28
installing on local computers, 19–20
PHP files, processing of, 271–272
securing, 425–426
testing for, 21–22
web services
accepting input, 548–553
general discussion, 541–542Index
overview, 541
returning data from databases,
returning dates from, 542–545
web space, 81
web-hosting companies
choosing, 16–18
overview, 15
Apache, obtaining software from, 23
authenticated pages, adding,
company websites, web hosting for,
confidentiality of, 587
function files, creating, 591–593
general discussion, 588
hosted, 18–19
login pages, building, 604–607
MySQL, downloading software
from, 58
opening files in other, 386
overview, 587
paid access to, 587
PHP, downloading from, 37
success pages, building, 602–604
user database, creating, 589–591
User objects, creating, 607–611
web forms, creating, 593–602
Welcome page, XAMPP, 80
well-formed pages, 95
WHERE clause of SELECT query, 505,
while loops, 203, 335, 338–341
widgets, 188
width CSS property, 157
wildcards, in hostnames, 460–461
Windows, Microsoft. See also XAMPP
installation kit
activating MySQL support, 71
Apache, installing on, 19
backing up databases on, 469
checking for MySQL on, 56
checking for PHP installation on, 36
configuring web server for PHP,
controlling MySQL server, 66–67
getting Apache information on, 31
installing Apache on, 25–26
installing MySQL on, 20
installing PHP on, 20, 46
MySQL Setup Wizard, running on,
obtaining Apache for, 23
obtaining MySQL for, 58
obtaining PHP for, 37
starting and stopping Apache on,
starting MySQL on, 57
text editors, 97
troubleshooting PHP and MySQL
connections, 73, 74
with-apxs=FILE option, PHP, 45
with-apxs2=FILE option, PHP, 45
option, PHP, 45
with-mysql=DIR option, PHP, 45
with-mysqli=DIR option, PHP, 45
with-oci8=DIR option, PHP, 45
with-openssl=DIR option, PHP, 45
with-oracle=DIR option, PHP, 45
with-pgsql=DIR option, PHP, 45
with-servlet=DIR option, PHP, 45
Wordpad, 97
write mode, opening files in, 385
PHP code, 277–278
to text files, with PHP, 386–387
XAMPP installation kit
Control Panel, using, 78–79
installing, 76–78
obtaining, 75–76
overview, 24, 38, 59, 75
reinstalling, 84–85
testing, 79–82
troubleshooting, 85
uninstalling, 84–85692
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies
XAMPP web page
language options, 80
testing, 80
testing phpMyAdmin utility from, 81
XML (Extensible Markup Language),
45, 541, 550–553
xor, in comparisons, 327–329
y date format symbol, 309
Y date format symbol, 309
yum utility, 23, 37
Zip files, PHP, 37, 46
zlib option, configure
command, 43
Author: Steve Suehring and Janet Valade
Pages: 724
Issue By: Gyan Publication
Published: 2 years ago
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