Estimating in Building Construction
401(k), 58
electrical, 216
HVAC, 222
plumbing, 219
Acceptance, project, 14
concrete, 108
drywall, 201–202
masonry, 133
wetwall, 207
Accident history, 58
Accountant, 43, 57
Accounting, 12–13
system, 51, 53
Accurate, 2
ACI, 111–112
doors, 192
plaster, 204
treatment, 143
Activity list, 47–48
Add price, 25
Addenda, 8, 23–26, 30, 92
Adhesives, flooring, 208
Admixtures, 92
Advertisement for bids, 8, 9, 21
Advertising, 43
AGC, 8
Aggregates, 92, 110, 115–116, 178, 182
Agreement, 8, 11–14
cost-plus-fee, 13
fixed price, 12, 14, 25
lease, 64
lump sum, 12, 14, 25
owner/contractor, 7, 18, 22, 24
stipulated sum, 12, 14, 25
unit price, 12–13
AIA, 11, 24
Air-conditioning, 221–223
distribution in ceilings, 199
ducts in metal deck, 142
AISC, 136
Allowances, 18, 51, 57
Alternates, 11–12, 14, 25
Aluminum windows, 187
American Concrete Institute, 111–112
American Institute of Architects, 11, 24
American Institute of Steel
Construction, 136
American Plywood Association, 173
American Society for Testing and Materials,
121, 126, 128
American Society of Professional
Estimators, 39
Anchor bolts, 108
Anchors, 108
iron, 132, 136
of repose, 81
steel, 132, 136
Appliances, 227
Apprentice program, 57–58
Architect, 4–5, 8, 11, 13–14, 21, 24–31, 36,
43, 45–46, 49, 66, 88, 92, 111–112,
121–122, 126, 129, 167, 182, 184,
196, 210–211, 221, 224
Arch, laminated, 172
Area, 78–79
equations, 244
paving, 40, 75, 90–91
roofing, 182
shingles, 181
waterproofing, 175, 177
Assembly, 30, 39
estimating, 2–4, 230–232
Associated General Contractors, 8
Association dues, 43
ASTM, 121, 126, 128
Attic access, 165
Average end area, 76–78
Back charge, 50
Backfill, 85–87
Backhoes, 67, 80, 87
Bank materials, 67
Bar chart schedule, 28, 30, 45, 47
Barricades, 31, 47, 49, 50
for asphalt, 75
bid, 25
coat plaster, 204
course, 90
rubber, 209
vinyl, 209
wall, 209
wood, 169
Basement excavation, 81–84
Bath tub, 218
Bathroom, 54
concrete, 92, 109, 111
engineered wood, 146
laminated, 172
precast, 115, 117
steel, 136
wood, 146
Bearing plates steel, 136
Bell, volume of, 95
Benefits, 51
Best value, 7
award of, 23–24
base, 25
best, 6, 24
bond, 15, 24, 51
competitive, 7
date, 31
Bid (continued)
deadline, 6
decision to, 29
documents, 8
form, 18, 23–24
information, 8
lowest, 6, 24
lump-sum, 7
negotiated, 7, 12, 14
peddling, 32
rejection of, 23–24
security, 15, 24, 51
shopping, 32
tabulation, 33
time, 31
too low, 219
types, 7
unit price, 7
unsolicited, 32
materials, 51
of sale, 14
Billable hours, 57–58
Bituminous roofing, 180
Blanket insulation, 202
Blasting, 88
lintels, 190
patterns, 120
Board feet (board measure), 145–146, 173,
Bodily injury, 58
Bolts door, 194
Bond, 2, 14–16, 18
bid, 15, 24, 51
capacity, 29
labor, 15
license, 15
maintenance, 51
materials, 15
obtaining, 15–16
patterns, 119–121
payment, 15, 18, 51
performance, 15, 18, 51
permit, 15, 51
requirements, 8, 21–22, 31
roofing, 182
subcontractors, 15
Bonus, 13–14
Bookkeeper, 43
Borrow, 87
excavation, 66, 81
steel, 136
labor hours, 127
number required, 127
patterns, 121
sill, 189
specifications, 125–126
stool, 190
workup sheet, 126
metal, 139
in wood floors, 154
Brown coat plaster, 204
Buck, door, 193
Budget, 13, 28
over, 13
owner’s, 3
Builder’s risk insurance, 16
code, 119, 161, 167, 218, 221
paper, 181
permits, 46
Built-up roofing, 142, 182
Bulldozers, 67, 80–81, 85, 87
Bulletproof door, 192
Bush hammered, 109
Business failure, 224
Butts, 194
fire extinguisher, 196
medicine, 196
Cabinetry, 227
Calculations, 39
Calendar days, 14, 23, 48
Camera, 51
Cants, roofing, 180, 182
Capital investment, 62
Carborundum rubbing, 109
Carpentry, rough, 145, 227
Carpet, 210, 227
labor productivity, 210
protection of, 46
specifications, 210
subcontractors, 210
Cash equivalents, 51, 57
Casing, 94
Caulking roofing, 182
fire rating, 199
joist, 164, 196
suspended, 199
wood, 164–166
Cement, 92, 129, 178, 204
roofing, 182
waterproofing, 177
Certificate of payment, 14
Chair rail, wood, 169
Change order, 12, 25
metal, 196
steel, 136
Checklist, 34
concrete, 114
door and frame, 194
drywall, 207
electrical, 215, 217
flooring, 212
HVAC, 222–223
masonry, 135
metal, 144
painting, 212
plumbing, 220
roofing, 185
wetwall, 207
wood, 173
Clamshells, 67
Clarifications, 27
Clause, penalty, 11
Clay masonry, 125, 133
Cleaning, 24, 50
masonry, 133
service, 46
Cleanup, 46, 54, 227
Clientele, 226
Climatic conditions, 54
Clock hour, 55
Closer, 194
brown, 204
finish, 204
scratch, 204
Coffee breaks, 54
Cold weather, 134
Collar ties, 167
concrete, 92, 109, 111
fireproofing, 201
precast, 115, 117
steel, 136, 231
Commencement, project, 23
Communication equipment, 44
Commute, 48
Compaction, 67, 85
equipment, 68
Company vehicle, 43
Competition tracking, 224
Competitive bid, 7, 12, 21
date, 11, 23
time, 14
Computer, 6, 10, 18, 38–42, 44, 49, 51
benefits, 38–39
dangers, 38–39
literate, 6
savvy, 38
Conceptual estimate, 2–3
Concrete, 92–118, 215
accessories, 108
beams, 109, 111
block, 120–121
fire rating, 121–122
specifications, 121
buggies, 111
checklist, 114
chilled water, 110
chutes, 111
color, 92
column, 111
curb, 55
curing, 92, 110–111
field-mixed, 116INDEX
fill, 116
finish, 116
finishing, 108–110
floor slab, 81
footings, 112
forms, 111–114
girders, 109
heating of, 110–111
job-mixed, 92
light-weight, 227
masonry, 120–125, 133
mixer, 118
patching, 108
pavement, 40
precast, 114–118, 215
pump, 111
ready-mix, 92, 116
slab, 99–112, 227
strength, 92, 116
summary sheet, 101
testing, 92
topping, 116–117, 215
type, 92
walls, 109, 111–112
water resistance, 176
weather, 28, 54
working, 54
electrical, 214–215
in metal studs, 197
Constructability, 12
management firm, 11
manager, 2, 4, 8
methods, 2, 5
planning, 6
safety, 81
team, 3
type, 29
Construction Specifications Institute,
18–20, 25, 34
Contingency, 18, 48
Continuous footing, 93–94, 96
Contour lines, 68
Contract, 5, 8, 11–14
cost-plus-fee, 13
documents, 7–8, 11–12, 28–29, 46
execution date, 14
expires, 57
fixed price, 12, 14, 25
lease, 64
lump sum, 12, 14, 25
negotiations, 2, 47
owner/contractor, 7, 18, 22, 24
separate, 11, 66
single, 11–12, 66
stipulated sum, 12, 14, 25
sum, 14
Contractor (general/prime), 5, 9, 11–15,
18, 24–25, 27, 32, 34, 45–48,
214–215, 218
speciality/subcontractor, 1, 4–5, 11, 25,
28, 31–33, 45–47, 50
advantages, 32
carpet, 210
disadvantage, 32
door, 192
drywall, 201, 203
excavating, 40, 87–88
electrical, 214–215
flooring, 209
framing, 169
HVAC, 215, 221
masonry, 134
deck, 143
joist, 139
painting, 211–212
pile, 89
plaster, 205
plumbing, 215
proposals, 28
roofing, 180–182, 185
steel deck, 143
tile, 211
waterproofing, 176
wetwall, 205
window, 188–189
subdrains, 90
subfloor, 155
wood, 208
Control joints, masonry, 129
Conversion factors, 243–244
Conveyors, 111
Cooler door, 192
Coordination, 215–216, 220–222
Coping, masonry, 132
Cork underlayment, 208
Corner, wood walls, 157
Cornices wood, 169
Corrugated metal sheets, 183
accounting, 10, 18, 64
control procedures, 51
evaluation, 4
freight, 63
mobilization, 61
operating, 61–62
ownership, 63–64
plant, 28
standard, 39
Cost-plus contract, 45
Cost-plus-fee agreement, 13
Counter tops, 227
Cove base, 209
CPA, 43
Craft personnel, 9, 32, 54
Crane, 49, 54, 65, 111, 117, 129, 132,
142–143, 171
Credit, 15
Crew, 39, 59–60
Cross-section method, 69–76
Curbs roof, 180, 182
Curing, 92, 110–111
Curtain wall, 187
productivity rates, 189
Cut and fill workup sheet, 68, 74–75
Cut, excavation, 67–70, 72–74, 76–78, 81, 87
Cut stone, protecting, 50
Cycle time analysis, 55
Dampproofing, 175, 177
entry, 38
historical, 9, 53
Database, 6, 10, 28, 39–40
Davis-Bacon wages, 57
calendar, 14
working, 14
steel, 136, 142–143
wood, 154, 172–173
laminated, 173
Deduct price, 25
Delays, 28
Delivery, 33, 54
dates, 5
Demand charge, power, 50
Dental insurance, 58
Deposit, 8, 22
Depreciation, 62
Design-bid-build, 1, 7–8
Design-build, 2, 4, 8
Designer, 6
Detailed estimate, 2, 30, 226
Details, structural, 93
Developers, 5, 13
Dewatering, 88
Diamond lath, 206
cost, 43
field costs, 1, 5
Discrepancies, 36
Dishwasher, 218
Dodge Reports, 8
Donation, 43
Door, 186–195
acoustical, 192
buck, 193
bulletproof, 192
checklist, 194
cooler, 192
fire rating, 190–192, 194
folding, 192
frames, 193
freezer, 192
hand, 191
heads, 194
jambs, 194
machining, 192
metal, 227
moldings, 190
overhead, 192264
Door (continued)
prefinished, 192
productivity rate, 193
revolving, 192
schedule, 192
shop drawings, 192
subcontractor, 192
swing, 191
trim, 190
wood, 227
Double-check, 31
Double tee, 115–116, 215
Drawings, 5–6, 8–9, 11–12, 14, 18, 22–23,
27, 30–31, 36, 48, 224
electrical, 215
electronic, 40–41
floor, 93
mechanical, 30, 215
plot, 93
reflected ceiling, 199
room, 8
site, 93
structural, 30, 136
working, 1, 8
Dressed, 145
Drilled piers, 94–96
reinforcing, 104
Drilling, 88
Drinking water, 46, 54
Driveways, 93
Drop sill, 192
Drywall, 200, 227, 230
accessories, 201–202
checklist, 207
joint compound, 202
labor productivity, 203
nails, 202
partitions, 201
screws, 202
specifications, 196, 200–201
subcontractors, 201, 203
tape, 202
trim, 201–202
Dumbwaiter, 192
Dump truck, 87, 90
Dust control, 24, 49
Earthwork, 40
Economies of scale, 226
Efficiency, system, 54
EIFS, 205
Electric line, 50
Electrical, 32, 214–217, 227
abbreviations, 216
in ceilings, 206
checklist, 215, 217
conduit, 214–215
fixture hanger, 215
in metal joists, 138
plans, 215
in plaster, 204
in precast, 116–117
subcontractor, 11, 46, 214–215
symbols, 216
transformer, 215
in walls, 196
wiring, 214–215
Electricity, 43, 45, 61
Elevations, 30, 69–71
Elevator, 49
exempt, 43
nonexempt, 43
salaried, 43
Employer’s Tax Guide, 57
Enclosures temporary, 24
Engineer, 4–5, 8, 14, 21, 24–31, 36, 43, 46,
51, 66–67, 88, 92, 111–112, 115,
121–122, 126, 129, 167, 182, 184,
196, 210–211, 221, 224
Engineered wood beam, 146
Engineering News Record, 8
Equipment, 1–2, 30, 34, 61–65
adequate, 54
available, 29
cleaning, 64
desired, 31
erection, 65
excavation, 67, 79–80
insurance, 64
maintenance, poor, 64
material-handling, 61
operating costs, 61–62
overhaul, 63
owned, 31
ownership costs, 63–64
rental cost, 64
rented, 31
selection poor, 64
taxes, 64
well-maintained, 54
Erection, 134
Erector, steel, 136
Error, 7, 28, 31, 34, 36, 39
calculation, 38
cost of, 1
multiple, 38
Escalation price, 48
Estimate, 28–37
assembly, 2–4, 230–232
changes to, 34
concepts of, 39
conceptual, 2–3
definition of, 1
detailed, 2, 30, 226
efficiency of, 38
final, 4
method, appropriate, 226
model, 3
notebook, 28–29
organization, 28
parametric, 3
planning, 28
poor, 48
preliminary, 2–4, 10
printing, 39
process, 29, 39
project comparison, 4, 226–227
quality, 38
reports custom, 39
responsibilities, 28
sheet, 40
speed, 38
square-foot, 3–4, 227–230
opportunities, 4
software, 28, 31, 39–40
Estimator, 34, 43
freelance, 5–6
training of, 6
Excavation, 66–91
checklist, 88–89
general, 81
special, 85
subcontractors, 40
Excel, 39, 246
Excess soil, 87
Exclusions, 33
Expanded metal, 102
Expansion joint
covers, 108, 144
fillers, 108
roof, 180
Experience, 53
modifier, 58
record, 15
Expert, 4
Exposed aggregate, 109
Exterior finish material, 30
Exterior insulation and finish
system, 205
Fabricator, steel, 136
Failure, business, 224
Fair Labor Standards Act, 43
Fascia wood, 169
Feasibility, project, 47
Federal Insurance Contribution Act, 57
regulations, 32
unemployment, 51, 57–58
Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 57–58
fixed 13
Percentage, 13
Felt, 175
roofing, 180–182, 184
Fences, 31 45
Fertilizer, 87
blocking, 180
tube, 112
Fiberboard, 162
engineer, 51
measurements, 12
reports, 64
staff, 45
supervision, 64
Fill, excavation, 67–74, 76–77, 87
Final payment, 14
Financial reports, 15
carpentry, 227
coat, 204
grade, 75, 87
room schedule, 209
Finishes, 196–213
level of, 226
Fire-extinguisher cabinets, 196
Fireplace, 165
Fireproofing, columns, 201
Fire rating
ceilings, 199
concrete block, 121
door, 190–192, 194
glass, 195
masonry, 119
precast slab, 116
bid, 18, 23–24
proposal, 18, 23–24
First aid, 49
fee, 13
with bonus, 13
with guaranteed maximum cost, 13
with penalty, 13
price agreement, 12, 14, 25
Fixture hanger, electrical, 215
masonry, 122, 126, 130
roof, 180, 182–184
stone masonry, 129
stucco, 204
tile, 128
window, 190
framing, 146–155
joist wood, 146, 148–150
openings, 151–153
planks, precast, 115
plans, 93
slab, 81, 92, 109, 111–112
Flooring, 207–211
checklist, 212
laminate, 208
protecting, 50
resilient, 208, 210
sketch of, 209
specifications, 209
subcontractor, 209
wood, 207
workup sheet, 155
F.O.B., 143
door, 192
partition, 192
Footing, 92–93, 105, 112, 227, 109
continuous, 93–94, 96
labor cost, 107
excavation, 81, 84–85
spread, 94, 96
workup sheet, 96
Forepersons, 28, 45
Forklift, 61, 111, 134
Form, 81, 108, 111–114
fiber tube, 112
foundation wall, 113
gang, 112
liners, 113–114
metal, 112
slip, 112
wood, 112
Formed pier, 96
Formulas, 34
Foundation, 96–97, 105, 112, 177, 227
excavation, 85
forms, 113
reinforcing, 102–103
workup sheet, 97–98
construction, 145
door, 193
Framing, 179
floors, 146–155
labor, 169
hours, 170
subcontractors, 169
wood wall, 156–164
Freeformed roof, 184
Freezer door, 192
Freight, 33
cost, 63
Fringe benefits, 56
Front-end loaders, 67, 80–81, 85, 87
Frontend loading, 14
Fuel, 61, 63–64
consumption, 61
Furnisher, 44
Furring, 196
metal, 197–198
roof, 184
wood, 198–199
Fusible link door, 192
FUTA, 57–58
Gang forms, 112
Garbage disposal, 218
conditions, 1, 7–8, 18, 24, 31
contractor, 5, 9, 11–15, 18, 24–25, 27, 32,
34, 45–48, 214–215, 218
liability insurance, 58
overhead, 43–44
analysis, 44
Geometry, 6
Girder, 92
concrete, 109
wood, 146
Glass, 30, 189, 194–195
fire rating, 195
Glazing, 189–190
G-max, 13
Government, 5
beams, 97–98
reinforcing, 105
workup sheet, 97–98
finish, 75
Graders, 81
Grading, 55, 87
Granite protecting, 50
Grates, metal, 143
Gravel, 227
Grease, 61–62
door, 190
rolling, 192
window, 189
Groundwater, 66
Guaranteed maximum cost, 13
plaster lath, 206
tile, 207
wallboard, 200
Hand excavation, 67, 85
Handling, materials, 48
Handrails, metal, 143
Hangers, plumbing, 218
Hardboard subfloor, 208
Hardener, 109
Hardware, 194, 227
panic, 194
protection of, 46
schedule, 192
window, 189
door, 194
joist, 150–151, 153, 164–165
rafter, 166–167
wood, 156, 160–163
Health insurance, 58
Heat, 43
Heating, 221–223
High-rise construction, 54
Highway excavation, 81
Hinges, 194
Hips roof, 181, 183
Historical data, 9, 53
Hoist, 49, 65, 134
towers, 61
Holiday, 48, 56, 58–59
Home office overhead, 43–44
Horsepower, 61
Hours, billable, 58
Housing, 31
Hundredweight, 100
HVAC, 32, 221–223, 227
abbreviations, 222
checklist, 222–223
subcontractor, 215, 221
symbols, 222
Hydrated lime, 129
Hydration, 110
Hydraulic excavators, 81
Hydrostatic pressure, 175
I beam, 136
IF functions, 39
I-joist, 148
Indirect field costs/indirect overhead, 1, 5–8,
18, 24, 31, 47, 224
Inflation, 226
for bidders, 7–8, 18, 22–24, 36
sources of, 9
In-house work, 28
Initialing, 29
Inspection costs, 33
Inspector, 49
Instructions to bidders, 7–8, 18, 22–24, 36
Insulation, 156, 178–179, 227, 230
board, 142, 162, 179
loose, 179
ridged, 175, 204
roofing, 182, 184
walls, 202, 204
Insurance, 2, 4, 16, 24, 57
benefits, 58
builder’s risk, 16
carrier, 46
dental, 58
equipment, 64
fire, 43
general liability, 58
health, 58
liability, 43, 51
life, 58
premiums, 58
required, 18, 31
theft, 43
transportation, 33
unemployment, 51, 57–58
workers’ compensation, 16
Interest, 62–63
International Plumbing Code, 218
Internet, 8, 21, 38
Intersections of wood walls, 157–158
Inventory, 54
Invitation to bid, 8, 18, 21
Jamb, door, 194
conditions, 28, 39
analysis, 62
overhead, 43, 45–46, 48
remote, 54
signs, 46
site, 87
Joint compound, 202
ceiling, 164, 196
spacing, 148
header, 146, 164–165
K-series, 140–141
load table, 140–141
open web, 140–141, 197
steel, 136, 138–142, 215, 231
productivity rates, 142
shapes, 139
trimmer, 164–165
wood, 148, 164, 179
Keene cement, 204
Kickplates, 194
labor, 1, 2, 34, 53–60
availability, 226
bond, 15
brick, 127
burden, 57–59
carpet, 210
concrete, 100
masonry, 124
finishing, 109–110
conditions, 28
continuous footing, 107
costs, 34, 48
drywall, 203
framing, 169–170
hours, 53–56, 59
local, 31
masonry, 119
painting, 212
pricing, 59
productivity, 6, 53–56
rate, 39
reinforcing, 105
resilient flooring, 210
roofing, 181, 185
strikes, 1
waterproofing, 176
windows, 187
Ladders, 49
metal, 143
Laminate flooring, 208
beams, 172
wood decks, 173
Landscape maintenance, 88
Landscaping, 87–88
Lath, 203, 205–207
diamond, 206
gypsum plaster, 206
metal, 204, 206
specifications, 206–207
wood, 207
Lavatory, 218
Lawsuits, 58
Layout, 107
Lease agreements, 64
Legal fees, 43
Level of finishes, 226
Liability insurance, 51
Licenses, 31
Life insurance, 58
Lift truck, 87, 118, 132, 134
Lighting, 199
in metal deck, 142
temporary, 215
Liners, form, 113–114
masonry, 126, 132
steel, 136
stone masonry, 129
tile, 128
window, 190
Liquid roofing, 184
Liquidated damages, 24
Living expenses, 45
Local codes, 50
Location of project, 29
Lock, 194
Lookout, 168
insulation, 179
volume, 67
Losses, 25
Louver, door, 190
Lowest bid, 6, 24
Lumber, 145, 227
dressed, 145
grade, 145–146, 156
agreement, 12, 14, 25
bid, 7
price, 5
Machining, doors, 192
Magazine, 43
Maintenance, 64
bond, 51
Management problems, 64
Managing resources, 54
Manhole frames and covers, 108
Manufacturers’ representatives, 5, 25, 28,
31, 33
Marble, protecting, 50
Markup, 11
Masonry, 119–135, 227
accessories, 129–133
bond patterns, 119–121
checklist, 135
clay, 125, 133
cleaning, 133
concrete, 133INDEX
coping, 132
fire rating, 119
flashing, 122, 126, 130
glazed, 122, 125, 133
labor hours, 124, 133
lintels, 126, 132
reinforcing, 126, 130–131
sills, 132
specifications, 119, 129
stone, 128–129, 133
subcontractor, 134
wall ties, 122, 130, 132
weep holes, 122, 126, 131
workup sheet, 133, 135
MasterFormat, 18–20, 25, 34
Material, 1, 2, 3, 5, 18, 25, 30, 33, 34
availability, 1, 226
bill, 51
clerk, 45, 48
costs, 34
delivery, 54
handling, 6
equipment, 61
order, 4
ordering, 226
prices, 28
quote, 33
purchase, 1
storage, 45
stored, 14
substitution, 24
suppliers, 28, 31
transportation, 54
Math, 6, 39
Means Building Construction Cost Data,
55–56, 60
Means R.S., 3, 55–56, 60, 228–231
drawings, 30
equipment startup, 50
in metal joists, 138
plans, 215
in precast, 116–117
subcontractor, 11
in walls, 196
Medicare, 51, 57
Medicine cabinets, 196
Meetings, project, 48
Metal, 136–144
channels, 196
checklist, 144
deck, 142–143
doors, 191, 227
forms, 112
furring, 197–198
grates, 143
handrails, 143
joist, 138–142
load table, 140–141
ladders, 143
lath, 204, 206
miscellaneous, 143
ornamental, 143–144
panels in window, 189
productivity rates, 142
railings, 143
roofing, 183
shapes, 139
sheets, corrugated, 183
sill, 189
specifications, 136, 138–139
stairs, 143
stool, 190
subcontractor, 139
stud, 196–198, 230
Microsoft, 39, 47, 246
concrete, 109, 118
mortar, 129
plaster, 205
Mobile phone, 45
Mobilization, 64–65, 80, 134
costs, 61
Model estimate, 3
ceiling, 199
door, 190
wood, 169
Mortar, 119–120, 129
joints shapes, 121
door, 190
window, 186–187, 189
Nails, drywall, 202
National Electrical Code (NEC), 214
Negligence, 58
bid, 7, 12, 14
contract, 2, 47
diagram, 47–48
schedule, 47
New work, protecting, 50
Niche, 4
Noise control, 49
Note taking, 36
Notebook, project, 66
employee, 43
equipment, 45
overhead, 224
project, 1
rent, 43
set up, 45
space, 44
staff, 4
supplies, 43
temporary, 24
Oil, 61–63
Omissions, 28, 31, 36
OnCenter Software, 41
On-Screen takeoff, 6, 8, 40, 41, 163
shop, 57
web steel joist, 140–141, 197
floor, 151–153
wall, 157, 159
Operating costs, 61–62
Operator’s wages, 61
Opportunities, estimating, 4
Ordering materials, 226
Ordinances, 31
Ornamental metal, 143–144
OSB, 161, 168
OSHA standards, 81
Overhead, 2, 12, 25, 28, 31–32, 34, 43–52
doors, 192
office, 224
project, 1, 5–8, 18, 24, 31, 47, 224
Overtime, 44
Owner, 5, 8, 11, 13–14, 24, 66, 126, 129
Owner-contractor agreement, 7, 18, 22, 24
Ownership costs, 63–64
P6, 47
Pad, 210
Padding, 208
Painting, 211–212, 227, 230
checklist, 212
labor productivity, 212
subcontractor, 211–212
waterproofing, 177
Panels, wood, 200
Panic hardware, 194
Parametric estimate, 3
Parapet wall, 132, 180
Parging, 178
Parking lot, 79
excavation, 81
Particleboard, 155
subfloor, 208
drywall, 201
folding, 192
Patching concrete, 108
Pavement, 92, 109
Paving, 55
machines, 90
Paydirt, 6, 40
Payment, 11
bond, 51
certificate of, 14
final, 14
progress, 14, 16
terms, 33
Payroll, 58
taxes, 57
PCA, 111
Penalty, 11, 13–14
Per diem, 48268
Percentage fee, 13
Performance bond, 15, 51
form of, 18
Perimeter, 78–79
Permit, 4, 31
bond, 51
building, 46, 50
Personnel qualified, 29
Pest control, 49
Phone log, 28
Photographs, 46, 51
Pick-up truck, 51
Pictures, 31
drilled, 94–96
excavation, 85
formed, 96
shaft, 96
Pile, 89–90
sheet, 66
subcontractor, 89
Pipe in metal studs, 197
Pitch, roof, 166, 168, 181
Plans, 5–6, 8–9, 11–12, 14, 18,
22–23, 27, 30–31, 36,
48, 224
electrical, 215
electronic, 40–41
floor, 93
mechanical, 30, 215
plot, 93
reflected ceiling, 199
room, 8
site, 93
structural, 30, 136
working, 1, 8
Plant costs, 28
Plaster, 203–204
acoustical, 204
foundation, 178
subcontractor, 205
Plastic laminate in
window, 189
Plates, 136
wood, 163
Plot plan, 93
Plumber, 45
Plumbing, 32, 218–220, 227
abbreviations, 219
checklist, 220
hangers, 218
subcontractor, 215
symbols, 219
trenches, 218
in wood walls, 163
Plywood, 154–155,
subfloor, 208
system, 173
Polyvinyl chloride, 186
Portland Cement
Association, 111
Postage, 43
Post-it, 47
Posttensioned, 115
demand charge, 50
shovels, 67, 81
temporary, 215
utilization, 61
beams, 115, 117
columns, 115, 117
concrete, 114–118, 132, 215
sill, 189
stool, 190
in windows, 189
costs, 117–118
floor planks, 115
shop drawings, 117–118
slab, 116–117
tee, 115–116
wall panels, 115
Precedence diagram, 48
Prefinished doors, 192
Preliminary estimate,
2–4, 10
Presentation skills, 6
Prestressed, 117–118
Pretension, 115
Price, 7, 24
add, 25
best, 7
deduct, 25
escalation, 48
lump sum, 5
quotes, 5
unit, 5
Pricing, 38–39
labor, 59
Primavera, 47
Prime contractor, 5, 9, 11–15,
18, 24–25, 27, 32, 34,
45–48, 214–215, 218
concrete, 100
curtain wall, 189
door, 193
factor, 53–54
metal deck, 143
rate, 38–39
reinforcing, 106
standard conditions, 53
steel deck, 143
vapor retarder, 107
Professional services, 43
Profit, 7, 25, 34, 48,
margin, 1
reasonable, 219
Progress payments, 14, 16
comparison estimate, 4,
completed, 1, 4, 6
conceptual, 8
conditions, 31
control, 5
location, 8, 29
management, 5
manager, 45
manual, 1, 5, 8, 18–27, 30–31,
45–46, 48
meetings, 48
Microsoft, 47
notebook, 66
overhead, 1, 5–8, 18, 24,
31, 47, 224
sign, 49
size, 29–30
team, 7
Proof of purchase, 14
damage, 58
loss, 58
protection of, 46
Proposal, 23, 28
e-mailed, 38
form, 18, 23–24
submission of, 32
Protection of work, 50
Public right of way, 50
Pump, 45, 51
concrete, 111
Pumping, 24, 66, 88
Purchase, proof of, 14
Purchasing agent, 43
PVC, 186
Quantities, 28
in-place, 12
survey, 7
surveyor, 5
takeoff, 1, 12, 34
tracking, 38
Quotes, 5
Radiant heat in plaster, 204
headers, 166–167
trimmers, 166–167
wood, 166, 179
Railings, metal, 143
Rain, 54
gutters, 227
Raises, 56
Ratios of parameters, 3
Reflected ceiling plan, 199
Regulations, government, 226
Reimbursable items, 13–14
Reimbursements, 57
Reinforcing, 100–107
area of bar, 102
bar, 100INDEX
diameter, 100, 102
drilled piers, 104
epoxy coated, 100
foundation, 102–103
grade beams, 105
labor, 105
lap, 100
masonry, 126, 130–131
mesh, 116–117
number, 100
productivity rates, 106
shop fabricated, 100, 102
slab, 103–104
splice, 100, 102
steel, 34
summary sheet, 106
tile, 128
weight, 100, 102
workup sheet, 105–106
Rental cost, 45, 64
Repairs, 50, 64
adjoining structures, 50
street, 50
Reporting services, 29
Reports custom, 39
damage to, 58
professional, 13
Residential, 6
flooring, 208
tile, 209
Resources managing, 54
Responsibility of
bidders, 23
Retarder, 109
Retention, 14
Retirement contributions, 58
Revolving doors, 192
Ridge, 167–168
roof, 181, 183
Ridged insulation, 175
roofing, 184
wall, 202, 204
Riprap stone, 128
Risk, 7, 11–12, 15, 18, 32,
57, 224–225
distribute, 4
Road, 76, 79
conditions, 31
grading, 55
paving, 55
striping, 55
Rock excavation, 88
Roller, 90
Rolling grills, 192
cants, 180
collar ties, 167
curbs, 180, 182
felt, 182
flashing, 180, 182
freeformed, 184
hip, 181, 183
lookouts, 168
pitch, 166, 168, 181
ridge, 167–168, 181, 183
shapes, 180
sheathing, 168
slab, 109
slope, 166, 168, 181
tile, 183–184
wood, 166–168
workup sheet, 169
Roofing, 180–184, 227
asphalt, 182
bond, 182
built-up, 182
cements, 182
checklist, 185
felt, 168, 181, 184
flashing, 183–184
insulation, 182, 184
labor, 185
liquid, 184
metal, 183
productivity, 181
slate, 183
subcontractor, 180–182, 185
trim, 182–185
carpentry, 145, 227
grade, 67–78, 87
R.S. Means, 3, 55–56, 60, 228–231
Rubber base, 209
R-value, 179
Saddles, 194
Safety, 39, 58
requirements, 24
Salaries, 28, 43, 45, 224
Sale, bill of, 14
price, 14
tax, 33, 39, 51, 63
Salvage value, 62
Sandblast, 108–109
Sanitary facilities, 46
Scaffolding, 34, 65, 108–109,
119, 134, 177–178,
184–185, 189, 201, 205
Scale, economies of, 226
Schedule, 7, 28, 30–31,
45, 47–49
door, 192
finish, 209
hardware, 192
network, 47
of values, 14
Scheduling program, 47
Scope of work, 1, 2, 12, 14, 33
Scrap value, 62
Scrapers, 67, 85, 87
Scratch coat, plaster, 204
Screed chairs, 108
Screens, window, 186, 189
Screws, drywall, 202
Sealer, 109–111
Secretary, 43, 48
Sections, wall, 30, 93
Security personnel, 45, 48
Separate contracts, 30, 66
electrical, 214–215
HVAC, 221
plumbing, 218, 220
Shaft, 96
Shakes, 182
floors, 154–155
roof, 168
tongue and groove, 154
wall, 162–163
Sheet piling, 66, 81–82
asphalt, 181
wood, 181–182
Shop drawings, 5, 24
doors, 192
form, 113
precast, 117–118
reinforcing, 100
window, 186
Shoring, 24
Shrinkage, 67, 70, 87
Shrubs, 88
Sick leave, 58–59
Sidewalk, 92, 109
Siding, 227
Signal lights, 49
Signs, project, 24, 46, 49
Silicone waterproofing, 177
drop, 192
masonry, 132
window, 186, 189, 227
wood, 146–148
Single contract, 66
electrical, 214–215
HVAC, 221
plumbing, 218–219
Single tee, precast 115–116
Site access, 31
drainage, 31
grades, 67–78
investigation, 81
plan, 66, 68, 84, 93
sample, 69
visit, 23, 30–31, 50
Size of project, 29–30
decking, 154
flooring, 209
roof sheathing, 168
window sill, 189
Skylights, 185
Slab, 111, 227
concrete, 99–100, 109
on grade, 92–93, 109
precast, 116–117
reinforcing, 103–104
workup sheet, 100
Slander, 58
Slate roof, 183
Sleeper wood, 208
Sleeves, electrical, 215
Slip form, 55, 112
Slope, 66
roof, 166, 168, 181
Snow, 54
Social security, 51, 57
Sod, 87
Software, 6, 28, 38
inputs, 31
limits, 31, 39
maintenance, 39
modules, 39
setup, 39
use intended, 39
boring, 81
conditions, 1, 24, 226
type, 66, 81, 85, 89
Sole plate, wood, 156
control walls, 202
transmission, walls, 202
Space utilization, 226
Specialty contractors, 1, 4–5, 11, 25,
28, 31–33, 45–47, 50
advantages, 32
carpet, 210
disadvantage, 32
door, 192
drywall, 201, 203
electrical, 214–215
excavation, 40, 87–88
flooring, 209
framing, 169
HVAC, 215, 221
masonry, 134
deck, 143
joist, 139
painting, 211–212
pile, 89
plaster, 205
plumbing, 215
proposals, 28
roofing, 180–182, 185
steel deck, 143
tile, 211
waterproofing, 176
wetwall, 205
window, 188–189
subdrains, 90
subfloor, 155
wood, 208
Specifications, 5, 8, 14, 18, 25, 31,
36, 46, 224
brick, 125–126
carpet, 210
concrete block, 121
deck, 143
drywall, 196, 200–201
errors in, 26–27
excavation, 66, 79, 87–88
flooring, 209
interpretations, 27
lath, 206–207
masonry, 119, 129
metals, 136
joists, 138–139
precast, 117
stone masonry, 128
tile, 128, 211
wallboard, 200–201
waterproofing, 176
wetwall, 196, 205
wood floors, 154
wood trusses, 171
Spot elevations, 68
Spread footing, 94, 96
Spreadsheet, 36, 38–39, 246,
program, 6, 28, 34, 39
Square Foot Costs, 228–231
Square foot estimate, 3–4, 227–230
Stairs, 165
metal, 143
treads, 209
State regulations, 32
State unemployment, 51, 57–58
State Unemployment Tax Act, 57–58
Stationary, 49
Statistical relationship, 3
Steel, 227
angle, 136
beam, 136
bearing plates, 136
bracing, 136
channels, 136
column, 136, 231
decking, 136, 142–143
erector, 136
fabricator, 136
framing, 136–138
I beam, 136
joist, 136, 142, 215, 231
lath, 206
lintels, 136
plates, 136
studs, 198, 230
trusses, 136
wide flange beam, 136
Sterilization, 90
Stick construction, 164
Stipulated sum agreement,
12, 14, 25
Stockpile, 79
Stone masonry, 128, 133
patterns, 120
sill, 189
specifications, 128
veneer in window, 189
Stool window, 189–190
Storage, 25, 31, 33
materials, 14, 48, 54
shed, 54
Storefronts, 187–188
Storerooms, 48
Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan, 50
Stressed skin panels, 173
Strike, 56
Striping, 55
details, 93
drawings, 30, 136
metal, 136
steel workup sheet, 138
Stucco, 204, 227
flashings, 204
Stud, 196
metal, 197–198, 230
wood, 156–161, 163, 179
Subbase course, 90
Subcontract, 1
Subcontractor, 1, 4–5, 11,
25, 28, 31–33,
45–47, 50
advantages, 32
carpet, 210
disadvantage, 32
door, 192
drywall, 201, 203
electrical, 214–215
excavation, 40, 87–88
flooring, 209
framing, 169
HVAC, 215, 221
masonry, 134
deck, 143
joist, 139
painting, 211–212
pile, 89
plaster, 205
plumbing, 215
proposals, 28
roofing, 180–182, 185
steel deck, 143
tile, 211
waterproofing, 176
wetwall, 205
window, 188–189
subdrains, 90
subfloor, 155
wood, 208
Summary sheet, 28, 31, 33–36
reinforcing, 106
Superintendent, 28, 31, 45–48, 111INDEX
Supplementary general conditions, 8, 18,
24–25, 31, 36, 46
Supplier, 5, 11, 25
Survey, 24, 46, 51, 67
Surveyor, 51
Suspended ceiling, 199
SUTA, 57
Swell, 67, 87
Swing door, 191
electrical, 216
HVAC, 222
plumbing, 219
System efficiency, 54, 61
Tail beams, 150–151
accurate, 224
quantities, 1, 12, 34
software, 40
package, 163
Tape, drywall, 202
roofing, 182
waterproofing, 175, 177
Tax, 25, 33, 62
equipment, 64
property, 43
sales, 33, 39, 51, 63
Taxable income, 57
Team, construction, 3
Technical specifications, 5, 8, 14,
18, 25, 31, 36, 46, 224
brick, 125–126
carpet, 210
concrete block, 121
deck, 143
drywall, 196, 200–201
errors in, 26–27
excavation, 66, 79, 87–88
flooring, 209
interpretations, 27
lath, 206–207
masonry, 119, 129
metals, 136
joists, 138–139
precast, 117
stone masonry, 128
tile, 128, 211
wallboard, 200–201
waterproofing, 176
wetwall, 196, 205
wood floors, 154
wood trusses, 171
Tees ceiling, 199
barricades, 45
buildings, 45
enclosure, 24, 45, 48,
110, 119, 134
fence, 48
gas, 45
heat, 45–46, 49–50, 134
light, 45, 49–50, 215
office, 24, 45, 49
partitions, 49
power, 45, 49–50, 215
sheds, 48
stairs, 49
telephone, 45, 49
toilets, 46–47, 50
trailer, 47
utilities, 24, 45
water, 24, 45, 50
wiring, 215
Tension rods, 136
Terra, cotta protecting, 50
Terrazzo stool, 190
Testing, 51
concrete, 46, 92
laboratory, 51
soil, 46
Thermal and moisture
protection, 175–185
Thresholds, 194, 209
Ties collar, 167
ceramic, 211
gypsum, 200
metal, 200
quarry, 211
resilient, 209
roof, 183–184
sill, 189
specifications, 128, 211
stool, 190
subcontractor, 211
weep hole, 128
wood, 200
Timberline, 2, 39
clock, 54
of completion, 14
Timekeeper, 45, 48
Tires, 62–63
TJI, 148
Tongue and groove
decking, 172
sheathing, 154
Tool shed, 45
Topping concrete, 116–117,
Topsoil, 79–81, 85, 87
Toweled, machine, 109
journals, 21
multiple, 2
organizations, 11
personnel, 9, 32, 54
single, 2
Trailer, 47
Training workers, 58
Transformer, 215
base, 215
Transoms, 190
Transportation, 1, 31
Trash disposal, 50
Travel, 43, 45
time, 55
Trees, 88
frames and covers, 108
HVAC, 221
machines, 67
plumbing, 218
small, 85
door, 190
drywall, 201–202
roofing, 182–185
wood, 169
Trimble, 40
joist, 150–151, 164–165
rafters, 166–167
Truck, 67, 80, 85, 87
flatbed, 51
pick-up, 51
steel, 136
wood, 164, 170–171, 196, 227
Type of soil, 66, 81, 85, 89
UL, 191, 201
Uncertainty, 18
Underground work, 30
Underlayment, cork, 208
Underpinning, 31
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 191, 201
claims history, 57
insurance, 57–58
federal, 51, 57–58
state, 51, 57–58
Union, 205, 226
payments, 58
rules, 31, 50, 56–57, 110,
119, 142
wages, 56–57
Unit price, 5, 7
agreement, 12–13
renegotiated, 7
Use factor, 61
Useful life, 62–63
Utilities, 31
temporary, 24
Utilization of space, 226
Vacation, 57–59
best, 7
schedule of, 14272
Vapor retarder, 107
Vehicle, 45
Veneer wood cost, 191
Ventilation, 221–223
Vermiculite, 179
Video camera, 51
base, 209
flooring, 227
windows, 186
Visualize, 6
Volume equations, 244
Waferboard, 154–155, 162
average, 59
bare hourly, 57
burdened hourly, 57–59
operators, 61
prevailing, 56
Wagons, 67
Walks, 79, 93
stone masonry, 128
base, 209
concrete, 109, 111
curtain, 187
framing, 156–164
insulation, 202
openings in, 157, 159
panels precast, 115
parapet, 132
productivity rates, 189
sections, 30, 93
sheathing, 162–163
ties masonry, 122, 130, 132
ties stone masonry, 129
wood corners, 157
wood intersections, 157–158
workup sheet, 164
Wallboard, 200
specifications, 200–201
Warranty period, 15
Water, 43
closet, 218
conditions, 81
control, 49
cooler, 218
drinking, 46
heater, 218
line, 50
resistance, 176
table, 88, 94
temporary, 24
truck, 45
Waterproofing, 175, 227
integral method, 176
labor productivity, 176
metallic method, 177
painting method, 177
specifications, 176
subcontractor, 176
Waterstop, 108
Weather, 1, 3
adverse, 54
bad, 64
conditions, 28, 54, 85,
128, 136, 226, 182
189–190, 194
Weep holes, 122, 126
masonry, 131
tile, 128
Welded wire mesh, 100, 102
metal deck, 143
precast, 117
steel, 136
Wetwall, 203–205
accessories, 207
checklist, 207
specifications, 196, 205
subcontractor, 205
Wheelbarrows, 85, 87, 134
Wide flange beam, 136
Wind, 54
Window, 186–195, 227
accessories, 189
aluminum, 187
custom-made, 186
flashing, 190
grills, 189
hardware, 189
labor productivity, 187
metal panels, 189
plastic laminate panel, 189
precast concrete panel, 189
screen, 186, 189
shop drawings, 186
sill, 186, 189, 227
stock, 186
stone veneer panel, 189
stool, 189
subcontractor, 188–189
treatments, 227
vinyl, 186
wood, 186
WinEst, 2, 39–41, 246–250
Winter construction, 46
mesh, 105, 116–117
shelves, 227
Wiring electrical, 214–215
Wood, 145–174
base, 169
beam, 146
engineered, 146, 172
ceilings, 164–166
chair rail, 169
checklist, 173
cornices, 169
decking, 172–173
decks laminated, 173
doors, 190–191, 227
fascia, 169
bridging, 154
decking, 154
joist, 146, 148–150
sheathing, 154–155
specifications, 154
flooring, 207
protection of, 46
forms, 112
framing, 179
furring, 198–199
girder, 146
headers, 156, 160–163
I-joist, 148
joist, 179, 196
ceiling, 164
header, 146, 150–151, 153
spacing, 148
trimmer, 150–151
laminated arch, 172
lath, 207
lookouts, 168
moldings, 169
panels, 200
plates, 163
protecting, 50
rafters, 166, 179
roof, 166–168
shingles, 181–182
sill, 147–148, 189
sleepers, 208
sole plate, 156
stock length, 148
stool, 190
studs, 156–161, 163, 179, 196
trim, 169
trusses, 170–171, 196–197, 227
shapes, 171
specifications, 171
veneer, cost, 191
wall framing, 156–164
wall workup sheet, 164
windows, 186
actual quantity, 12
in-house, 28
in place, 14
in progress, 15, 29
stopping, 14
type of, 58
availability of, 54
productivity of, 54
training, 58
Workers’ compensation
insurance, 16, 51, 58
Workforce stable, 57INDEX
capital, 16
conditions, poor, 64
days, 14
drawings, 26
space, 81, 178
Workmanship, 25
Workshops, 45
Workup sheet, 28, 31,
33–34, 36
brick, 126
cut and fill, 68, 74, 75
flooring, 155
masonry, 133, 135
reinforcing, 105–106
roof, 169
structural steel, 138
wood wall, 164
Writing skills, 6
WWF, 100
Pages: 286
Issue By: Gyan Publication
Published: 2 years ago
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