Book Details

Advances in Pest Management and Pest Control

Advances in Pest Management and Pest Control

This book elaborates on the advancements made in pest management and control. Integrated pest management is an efficient and environmentally sensitive approach that depends on an integration of common-sense practices. Its programs employ recent and descriptive information regarding the life cycles of pests and their interplay with the environment. This information, along with the available pest control techniques, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means and with the least possible hazard to property, people, and the environment. This book discusses approaches related to pest management, current applications and future challenges in pest control. I hope that this book, with its visionary approach, will be a valuable addition and will promote interest among readers. Each of the authors has provided their extraordinary competence in their specific fields by providing different perspectives as they come from diverse nations and regions. I thank them for their contributions.

Author: Edwin Tan

Pages: 364

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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