Book Details

Embryology at a Glance 2nd Ed

Embryology at a Glance 2nd Ed

We wrote this book for our students; those studying medicine with us, those listening to the podcasts wherever they may be, and those studying the other forms that biology takes on their paths to whatever goals they may have in life. We have introduced many students to the fascinating and often surprising processes of embryological development, and we hope to do the same in this book. It is written for anyone wondering, “where did I come from?” The content of this book extends beyond the curricula of most medicine, health and bioscience teaching programmes in terms of breadth, but we have limited its depth. Many embryology textbooks cover development in detail, but students struggle to get started, and to get to grips with early concepts. Hopefully we have addressed these difficulties with this book. We hope that you will use this book to begin your studies of embryology and development, but also that you will return to it when preparing for assessments or checking your understanding. You will find example assessment questions at the end of the book as well as a Glossary. Let this be the start of your integration of embryonic development with anatomy, to the ends of improved understanding and better patient care or scientific insight.

Author: Samuel Webster Rhiannon de Wreede

Pages: 129

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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