Book Details

Intermediate Hindi Madhyamik Hindi

Intermediate Hindi Madhyamik Hindi

Intermediate Hindi is a selection of teaching materials for teaching Hindi as a second or foreign language. It consists of a number of passages mostly published materials for general reading designed to teach the grammatical points assigned for the intermediate level. The texts provide a wide range of vocabulary (including Indo-Aryan and Perso-Arabic near synonyms), a variety of topics suited for conversations among students and typically South Asian social and cultural contexts. Each text is followed by a detailed glossary, grammatical explanations for selected constructions, notes on vocabulary and fixed expressions and exercises and home-work assignments. There are also sections on word study and pronunciation. Each volume represents one semester (approMotilal Banarsidass Publishersximately 48 hours) of classroom instruction.

Author: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers

Pages: 182

Issue By: Blue Stone Publication

Published: 1 year ago

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