Book Details

Business Mathematics and Statistics, 6th Ed

Business Mathematics and Statistics, 6th Ed

Chapters in the book should be studied in the order that they occur. After studying each section in a chapter, the Summaries and Points to Note should be checked through. The Student Self Review Questions, which are cross-referenced to appropriate sections, should first be attempted unaided, before checking the answers with the text. Finally the Student Exercises should be worked through and the answers obtained checked with those given at the end of the book. After completing a particular part of the book, the relevant section of the examination questions (at the end of the book) should be attempted. These questions should be considered as an integral part of the book, all the subject matter included having been covered in previous chapters and parts. Always make some attempt at the questions before reading the solution.

Author: Andre Francis

Pages: 92

Issue By: Blue Stone Publication

Published: 3 years ago

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