Book Details

Human Reproductive Biology

Human Reproductive Biology

To understand the biology of reproduction, we must first meet the cast of characters involved in this fascinating process. In Chapters 2 and 4, we will study the anatomical components of the female and male reproductive systems. However, you will discover that, to function properly, these systems require chemical instructions. In fact, nearly every aspect of reproductive biology is regulated by internal molecular messengers called hormones. Reproductive hormones signal the reproductive structures to grow and mature. For example, as a boy approaches puberty, circulating levels of hormones called androgens rise and cause his reproductive tract to mature. In addition, these hormones induce muscle growth, cause changes in the vocal cords that lower the young man’s voice, and initiate adult patterns of body hair growth. Hormones also regulate the timing of reproductive events. In women, the coordinated release of several female hormones orchestrates ovulation, the release of an egg from the ovary, approximately every 28 days. This chapter will introduce you to the endocrine system, focusing on how the brain and pituitary gland regulate reproductive hormones. Your efforts in studying this material will be repaid as you read further in the text, as an understanding of this topic is essential for you to grasp the information in subsequent chapters.

Author: Richard E. Jones

Pages: 396

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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