Book Details

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2023

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2023

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2023 (CMDT 2023) is the 62nd edition of this single-source reference for practitioners of adult medicine in both hospital and ambulatory settings. The book emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management in all fields of internal medicine and in specialties of interest to primary care practitioners and to subspecialists who provide general care. With a growing recognition of systemic racism and other biases in institutions across our societies, including the institution of medicine (, the editors of CMDT, with humility, have committed to a thorough examination of our content to remove biased language, research, and recommendations. Since 2020, we have been pursuing an ongoing, formal process of review and revision in an effort to recognize and correct biases and to promote equity in our book and the practice of medicine. While we, the editors, take this on as our responsibility, we also invite readers to share with us any CMDT content that they find problematic or biased. We have tried to describe populations used in the studies that form the basis of the information in CMDT, use appropriate language where we can (eg, persons of sub-Sahara African descent, rather than African-Americans), and use the genderneutral term Latinx. We acknowledge that, like others,1 we find this an imperfect solution. We continue, however, to use terms from original sources when study populations are broad.

Author: McGraw hill LANGE

Pages: 849

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 11 months ago

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