Book Details

Pre-Columbian America

Pre-Columbian America

Because educational curricula in the West typically emphasize European civilization and cultural traditions, pre- Columbian civilizations are, at best, a peripheral concept for many people today. Perhaps the best-known features of pre-Columbian civilizations are architectural, namely the Mayan and Aztec pyramids and the Inca ruins at Machu Picchu, and ritualistic, such as a penchant for human sacrifice. Yet these isolated elements provide only a fragmented, and thus distorted, picture of the cultures to which they belonged. These elements alone cannot convey the size, richness, and complex history of pre-Columbian civilizations. Details found in this book mark an attempt to rectify that situation. Readers will come to a deep understanding of the cultures, traditions, accomplishments, and belief systems of the Mesoamerican and Andean peoples. The term “pre-Columbian”

Author: Britannica

Pages: 196

Issue By: Britannica

Published: 2 years ago

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