Book Details

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Twentieth Edition (Vol

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Twentieth Edition (Vol

Harrison’s is intended for learners throughout their careers. For students, Part 1, Chapter 1 begins with an overview of “The Practice of Medicine.” In this introductory chapter, the editors continue the tradition of orienting clinicians to the science and the art of medicine, emphasizing the values of our profession while incorporating new advances in technology, science, and clinical care. Part 2, “Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases” is a signature feature of Harrison’s. These chapters eloquently describe how patients present with common clinical conditions, such as headache, fever, cough, palpitations, or anemia, and provide an overview of typical symptoms, physical findings, and differential diagnosis. Mastery of these topics prepares students for subsequent chapters on specific diseases they will encounter in courses on pathophysiology and in clinical clerkships. For residents and fellows caring for patients and preparing for board exams, Harrison’s remains a definitive source of trusted content written by internationally renowned experts. Trainees will be reassured by the depth of content, comprehensive tables, and illuminating figures and clinical algorithms. Many exam questions are based on key testing points derived from Harrison’s chapters. A useful companion book, Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review, includes over 1000 questions, offers comprehensive explanations of the correct answer, and provides links to the relevant chapter in the textbook. Practicing clinicians must keep up with an ever-changing knowledge base and clinical guidelines as part of lifelong learning. Clinicians can trust that chapters are updated extensively with each edition of Harrison’s. The text is an excellent point-ofcare reference for clinical questions, differential diagnosis, and patient management. In addition to the expanded and detailed Treatment sections, Harrison’s continues its tradition of including “Approach to the Patient” sections, which provide an expert’s overview of the practical management of common but often complex clinical conditions.

Author: Harrison

Pages: 3790

Issue By: eBook 707

Published: 2 years ago

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