Book Details

Williams Hematology Malignant Lymphoid Diseases

Williams Hematology Malignant Lymphoid Diseases

Leukemias and lymphoid diseases as only Williams can cover them Featuring content derived from Williams Hematology, Ninth Edition. this concise, full-color resource delivers comprehensive and current coverage of leukemias and lymphoid diseases. More than a sectional reprint, the book includes updated science and treatment recommendations not found in the 2015 release of Williams Hematology, Ninth Edition. Perfect for use at the point of care, Williams Malignant Lymphoid Diseases maintains a strong clinical focus with detailed discussion of clinical presentation, patient evaluation, and diagnosis, genetic basis, therapy, and management. • A handy quick summary appears at the beginning of each chapter• Includes the latest advances in common treatments of leukemias, such as targeted therapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and monoclonal antibodies

Author: McGraw hill Education

Pages: 353

Issue By: Page Flip

Published: 4 months ago

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